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Ask Real Beer

August 1999

I found your page in a list of links which came up while I was searching for info on an Acme Brewing Company which apparently existed in Macon, Georgia at some time during the reign of England's Queen Victoria. My search yielded Gregg Smith's column about the microbrewery crisis in which he wondered if Acme Brewing was the culprit. I know there was such a company since I have a beautiful little 8 ounce glass with a flared rim which has embossed on it "American Queen-Acme Brewing Co. Macon, Georgia." At the top is an emblem with a globe, a lion with a crown, a unicorn, and a banner which reads Victoria Queen. Can anyone at provide me with any other information about my glass and its parent company?

From Beer Dave: The Acme Brewing Company of Macon, Ga., began as the Macon Brewing Company in 1889 and was located at Bay & Hammond Streets. The Acme name was used from 1893 until 1916 when prohibition came to Georgia. Donald Ray from Lincoln, Neb., may be of more help on the rarity of this item.

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