Ask Real Beer
Mar 26, 2025

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Ask Real Beer

July 1999

November 1999

I am hoping you can help me. I have a friend who will be visiting in just a few weeks. He collects beer bottles and has quite a collection. One thing he noted is that he has multiple bottles with names that begin with every letter of the alphabet, with one exception: Q. Do you know of any beers that's names begin with Q and where I might call to procure such a bottle?

From Beer Dave: Q beers have always left collectors in a quandary. The Quandt Brewery of Troy New York closed in 1942 yet you can still find bottles in the Upper Hudson River Valley. The Queen City Brewing Company of Cumberland Maryland used to brew a beer under the name Queens Brau. The brewery closed in 1974. Bottles of this beer can be found at many flea markets throughout the Mid Atlantic region. The Quinte Brewery of Belleville, Ontario, Canada Phone: 613-968-2739 brews a beer known as Quinte Gold.

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