Ask Real Beer
Mar 26, 2025

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Ask Real Beer

February 2000

I was at a local megabeer store and they had a really neat beer called Bomber's "Noseart" Beer. It was brewed in Germany. Each 16 oz. can was metal with an old style metal tower top with a standard press on cap. It also had a ceramic stopper for when it was opened. But the real neat thing was that each can had a "GREAT" graphic of a WWII bomber and a pretty girl like the WWII bombers had on the nose. I would really like to find out more about this beer but when I went back it was all gone and the owner didn't remember where he ordered it from.

From Beer Dave: You must be referring to Bomber's Pin-Up Beer. This is from the Engel Brauerei of Allemange Germany. It is imported by Global Specialty Imports of Wilmington, N.C. The three WWII Bomber's are great cans and the beer inside is also pretty good. This company imports a brand known as Golfer's Choice as well. Go to for a list of distributors.

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