Ask Real Beer
Mar 26, 2025

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Ask Real Beer

March 2000

Hi, I am the brewer at a brewpub in Tacoma, Wash., and our local state museum has a 6 month long exhibit relating to George Washington. They have asked me to try to come up with any information concerning GW and his homebrewing habit. I have been unable to come up with any "hard" facts or even any truly interesting myths. I was hoping you may have some suggestions as to where I might search. Appreciate any help, I'll owe ya a beer or two! Thanks, Mike Davis, Head Brewer-Harmon Resturant and Brewery,Tacoma WA

From Beer Dave: Be sure to include a $2 bill. It is our only piece of currency to feature 3 brewers: George Washington, Samuel Adams and Thomas Jefferson. The best source for hard facts about George's brewing life can be found at Recently they did an in-depth dig at his brewery and distillery. So they now have even more hard facts for your exhibit.

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