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Ask Real Beer

February 2000

I am a collector of breweriana from The Cumberland Brewing Company, and The Queen City Brewing Company, both of Cumberland, Maryland. I am happy to see that one of our local brands (Queens Brau) made it to Ask Ace forum. One question I have: Are there any web pages (other than the ones I created) dealing with my hometown breweries? My second is on 2 cans I have in my collection. One is an Old German Premium Lager flat. Where most of these cans are blue in color (bands, globe, etc) the one I have is more of an aqua, and it is the only one I have ever seen. The next is a Heritage House can from The Cumberland Brewing Co. without the zip code. Heritage House was produced under both names, but the Cumberland Brewing version supposedly has the zip code on it.

From Beer Dave: I know of no other web sites out there. The Cumberland "Queen City" Brewing Company issued lots of cans over the years. The most complete source of these cans is soon to be published. The Beer Can Collectors of America (BCCA) is starting to sell the most complete guide to all US beer cans known to exist. Visit for more info on this new reference book.

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