Ask Real Beer
Mar 26, 2025

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Ask Real Beer

March 2000

I was wondering if you would be able to help me identify this tray. It shows "home brewed ale" in the base of the keg the one man is holding and "home brewed" on the cans or kegs the eagle is holding. This tray has Chas. W. Shonk Co. Litho Chicago No. B449 on it. I am not quite sure about the number but that is what it looks like. Do you know what brewery this represents?

From Beer Dave: The Shonk Tray is a stock item from the Chas. W. Shonk Co. of Chicago. This tray was used by many pre-Prohibiton breweries. The Breweries were able to add their text and logo to a designated area of the green rim, face and back of the tray. In most cases this was not used as a serving tray. It was usually an advertising piece to hang on the wall.

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