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Ask Real Beer

June 2000

Hello, I don't know if you will know what I'm talking about, but here goes. For years I've been looking for this old Hamm's Beer sign, maybe you can tell me how I can go about getting one. I'm sure it's from the 50s or 60s. It's the sign that has a rotating scene that scrolls across the sign. It shows beautiful lakes and waterfalls somewhere in there there's a canoe with a campfire. The imagery just blends from one scene to another and eventually repeats itself. There is one at one of my local beer joints but it's broken and no longer scrolls the scenes around.

From Beer Dave: Hamms, Storz and G. Heileman and other Midwest and Plains brewers issued signs with this rolling scenery. They can be found for sale at many flea markets and antique shops. Also many Internet auction sights have them for sale. These first debuted about the time that TV was entering the taverns. TV was black & white so this was a color commercial running all day at the local watering hole.

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