Feb 04, 2025

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GABF brewers' diaries

Tomme Arthur

Denver - Sept. 25 (morning)

We've been in Denver since Tuesday. Judged some interesting beers yesterday. My morning was filled with American Light Lagers and Belgian and French Style Beers. The afternoon found me drinking American ESB style beers. Today I have a morning session with American Premium Lagers and Barrel Aged Beers with other Strong Ales and Lagers in the afternoon.

Last night we spent the evening at the Brewers Gathering and went to Falling Rock. The beers are always great and the people are better. Spent some time talking with Peter and Jeff from New Belgium. It's always fun to hear what they are up too.

The festival opens tonight and we have to set up our booth this afternoon. I always love the 1st day of the fest. There is so much energy in the building it makes for a fun night. Also we get a chance to taste some of our beers and make sure everything traveled OK.

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