Feb 04, 2025

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GABF brewers' diaries

Tomme Arthur

Solano Beach - Sept. 28

Breakfast and a plane ride home were not the highlights of the week for me. Seeing my dad and wife at the airport were. At 12:30 Sunday afternoon, it finally hit me. This week, the Fall Classic known as the playoffs and World Series begin. We just concluded the Fall Classic of Brewing known as The Great American Beer Festival. They are always special for us a brewers — to taste great beer, meet great people and see old friends. This year, we hit a home run on a three-two pitch in the bottom of the ninth, at home with the bases loaded and two outs, down by three, needing one big swing of the bat for the whole enchilda. We stepped up to the plate, winked at their best and took it deep. Man that felt good.

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