Mar 09, 2025

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GABF brewers' diaries

Todd Ashman

Flossmoor Station - July 31

The confirmation packet comes from the AOB and let's us know we've been confirmed. Many many years ago I got into the habit of sending in my entry form the very first day it was allowed. I am positive that more than once Flossmoor Station was the first brewery to get it's entry to the AOB office. Having beer on the festival floor is just one of the great things about being a brewer period. I can't even imagine what it would be like to not have that privilege.

This year I get my wish and Flossmoor Station gets selected to pour in the GABF Beer Garden. They've asked for lots of beer, 2½ barrels of each brand, though for two of them we can only send one due to limited supply. It will be bittersweet as this will be my last GABF with Flossmoor Station. It's fitting though to enjoy it in the Beer Garden giving folks the chance to try a generous pour of my "work." This would probably be a great time for me to acknowledge the effort of Jessica Gottlob at the AOB. Jessica is always willing to help and has always easily resolved whatever "deal" there was. For that matter Erin, Kate and Monica all have as well they are a great group of people that have made the choice to work with some of the pickiest people I can think of ... brewers!

Thank all of you for your help, support and friendship!

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