Mar 09, 2025

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GABF brewers' diaries

Todd Ashman

Flossmoor Station - Sept. 12

With just about 11 days to go before I get on the plane and fly to Denver there is a flurry of activity among my acquaintances. It happens every year and this is very much a part of the networking. I find that the best laid plans can get fouled up and try to let everyone know I'll be judging days, and later I'll be available in the evening.

Trying to plan out your day to day schedule seems silly as you just don't know whats going on at any given time in Denver. Last year Frank Boon of 'Frank Boon' Lambics was there and I wanted to go a tasting he was having at the Falling Rock, but didn't have the time. This year I'm going to take it easy and try to lay low, trying not worry too much as Saturday afternoon (the awards ceremony) approaches. Have a beer and take deep breath's of that thin Mile High air.

Nope, with just over a week to go it's all about the waiting. The anxiety is starting to creep in and I'm starting to get the 'Fear.' It happens every year and this year appears to be no different.

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