Mar 09, 2025

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GABF brewers' diaries

Todd Ashman

Denver - Sept. 23

Made it in to Denver without to much trouble. Plane was actually early and the flight was quick. Painless. Of course after picking up my rental car traffic grinds to a snails pace.... I make it to judges orientation and see many familiar faces ... all is good.

After many well wishes and hands to shake I decide that my urge for beer is overwhelming. I retreat to the Blake Street Tavern, on the premise of the Flying Dog brewery. This place has been several different names Tony's, some sort of sports bar and now Blake Street. I just want Tire Biter ... I'm in luck it's the 'Dog of the Day'. Just $2.00. I find solice in my pints and I unwind. I'm here and soon the process Bill Ryan and I started back in May will soon culminate in success or failure.

I check into the Marriott Residence Inn, my headquarters in Denver 7 years running. I get sort of obsessed with not trying to break from tradition for fear of screwing with karma. Come to find out I've been doing it all along.

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