Feb 22, 2025

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GABF brewers' diaries

Bill Madden

Capitol City Brewing - Sept. 14

I am a little late on my diary. In addition to getting beers out to Denver the week before last I am also working on our Mid Atlantic Oktoberfest, which is Oct. 11. We get 5,000 plus people to the event with over 30 breweries. It is alot of work.

I have also become the CCBC Travel agent and got plane tix and hotel reservations last week for the four of us going to GABF from the company. This year there was a company wide competition to increase beer sales volume on each individual restaurant (Capitol City Brewing Co. has four locations). I get to go because the VP of Ops said so, the brewer in Baltimore, same; our brewer and a manager from Capitol Hill actually won the contest. Looking forward to going. I tasted the trippel and kölsch we sent to GABF yesterday with some homebrewer friends that are members of BURP, a local homebrew club. I think too much about what I could have done differently with these beers and have to stop. There is nothing I can do now.

More later....

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