Mar 14, 2025

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World Beer Cup 2000 results

The World Beer Cup International Competition is a global competition recognizing excellence in 64 traditional and emerging beer style categories with gold, silver and bronze awards. The judging took place April 25-26 in Milwaukee, Wis. The winners were announced June 19 at a ceremony in New York City.

Speaking of the awards, beer authority Michael Jackson said: "No other worldwide competition for beer is remotely as well judged. Only at The World Beer Cup does the panel of judges truly understand the international diversity of beer styles. For all but a handful of international brewers (and perhaps even for them), the future of the industry lies in a new awareness of characterful beers. The World Beer Cup is setting the standards for tomorrow�s beers."


Non Alcoholic (Beer) Malt Beverages
4 entries
Gold Clausthaler Classic Binding-Braerei AG Frankfurt Au Main Germany
Silver Rolinck Free Privatbrauerei A. Rolinck Steinfurt Germany
Bronze Clausthaler Extra Herb Binding-Braerei AG Frankfurt Au Main Germany
American Lager/Ale or Cream Ale
20 entries
Gold Alpine Lager Moosehead Breweries Saint John, New Brunswick Canada
Silver Moosehead Light Moosehead Breweries Saint John, New Brunswick Canada
Bronze Liebotschaner Cream Ale Lion Brewery Wilkes-Barre, PA USA
American Style Wheat Ale or Lager
21 entries
Gold Weiss Guy Wheat Beer Alcatraz Brewing Co. Tempe, AZ USA
Silver Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co. Chippewa Falls, WI USA
Bronze Hefeweizen Pyramid Breweries Seattle, WA USA
Fruit Beers
22 entries
Gold Quelque Chose Unibrue Inc. Chambly, Quebec Canada
Silver Raspberry Leghumper Thirsty Dog Brewing Co. Akron, OH USA
Bronze Apple Ale Niagara Falls Brewing Co. Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada
Chocolate/Cocoa Flavored Beers
6 entries
Silver Double Chocolate Porter Stoney Creek Brewing Co. Novi, MI USA
Bronze Mocha Stout Brew Moon Rest.& Microbrewery Boston, MA USA
Herb and Spice Beers
13 entries
Gold Hitachino Nest Beer White Ale Kiuchi Shuzou Ibaraki Japan
Silver Great Pumpkin Spiced Ale Cottonwood Brewery Boone, NC USA
Bronze "Original" Vanilla Porter Stoney Creek Brewing Co. Novi, MI USA
Specialty Beers
10 entries
Gold Maple Nut Brown Ale Tommyknocker Brewing Co. Idaho Springs, CO USA
Silver Pullman Nut Brown Ale Flossmoor Station Brewing Co. Flossmoor, IL USA
Bronze Pott's Paddy Pott's Brauerei GmbH Oelde Germany
Specialty Honey Lagers or Ales
11 entries
Gold Algonquin Honey Brown Brick Brewing Co. Waterloo, Ontario Canada
Silver JW Dundee's Honey Brown Lager Genesee Brewing Co. Rochester, NY USA
Bronze Brackett White Winter Winery Iron River, WI USA
Experimental Beers
12 entries
Gold Raspberry Tart New Glarus New Glarus, WI USA
Silver Old Conundrum Barley Wine Flossmoor Station Brewing Co. Flossmoor, IL USA
Bronze German Stein Beer Ellicottville Brewing Co. Ellicottville, NY USA
Smoke Flavored Beers
12 entries
Gold Alaskan Smoked Porter Alaskan Brewing Co. Juneau, AK USA
Silver Fujizakura Kogen Beer Rauch Fujikankokaihatsu Co. Ltd. Kawaguchiko Japan
Bronze Smoke Rogue Ales Newport, OR USA
American Style Rye Ale or Lager
4 entries
Gold Red Eye Rye 75th Street Brewery Kansas City, MO USA
Silver Captain Smith's Rye Titanic Brewing Co. Coral Gables, FL USA
Bronze Cutthroat Rye Montana Brewing Co. Billings, MT USA
European-Style Low-Alcohol Lager/German-Style Licht(bier)
4 entries
Gold Stag Beer Carib Brewery Limited Champ Fleurs. Trinidad
Silver Carib Beer Carib Brewery Limited Champ Fleurs. Trinidad
Bronze Beck's Light Brauerei Beck and Co. Bremen Germany
Lager winners - Ale winners
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