


Category: Movie/T.V. Games

Beer Games Carter:
Acts like Benton -- 2 drinks
Learns a new procedure -- 1 drink, 2 drinks if the instructor
isn't Benton
Has an encounter in the ER with a nubile young female in the
ER -- 1 drink
Gets it right the first time -- 1 drink
Is woken up suddenly -- 1 drink
Is the victim of a practical joke -- 1 drink
We find out why he's still with Benton -- chug
Confrontation with other student (medical competitions
included): 1 drink
Flirts with Lewis -- 1 drink
Acts cooler than actually is -- 1 drink
Crouches in hallway or outside hospital, holding stethoscpoe,
after frustrating event in ER -- 1 drink
Dances with both Lewis and Hathaway a la Al Gore -- chug

Gets puppydog eyes while looking at Hathaway 1/2 drink
Visits Hathaway off duty at an inappropriate time, gets
rejected - 2 drinks
Makes a pass at someone other than Hathaway - 1 drink
Beds down with someone other than Hathaway - 1 drink
A patient reminds him of the importance of true love -- 1 drink
Rejects a woman's advances -- 1 drink >
Kisses Hathaway -- 2 drinks
Sleeps with Hathaway -- chug
Calls social services -- 1 drink
Says the word "kiddo"--1 drink
Musses with child's hair -- 1 drink

Boyfriend appears -- 1 drink
Gets in an argument with another doctor -- 1 drink, 2 drinks
if resident
Is alone and stressed-out -- 1 drink
Chloe appears -- 1 drink
Chloe's boyfriend appears -- 1 drink
Chloe smokes/drinks while talking about her baby -- 2 drinks
Kisses another ER doctor -- 2 drinks
Is contradicted by Casey (cardiologist) -- 1 drink
Pines for Green as he walks away, oblivious -- 1/2 drink
Acts as the new doctor (bike man)'s little toadie -- 1 drink
Gets revisited by Div at an inopportune moment--chug


Cheats on wife -- 2 drinks
With someone from the ER -- chug
Doesn't wear scrubs -- 2 drinks
Tries to leave ER, but is held up by emergency -- 1 drink
Actually leaves the ER -- 2 drinks
Says something encouraging to Carter -- 1 drink
Says something encouraging to Lewis -- 1 drink
Forgets an appointment becuase is too busy in the ER -- 1 drink
Hands off assignment to Lewis -- 1 drink


Blows off Carter -- 1 drink
Blows off another resident -- 1 drink
Lets Carter do something new -- 1 drink
Doesn't blow off a family obligation -- 2 drinks
Messes up a procedure -- 2 drinks
Says something sarcastic -- 1 drink
Says something nice -- 2 drinks
Goes on a date -- chug
Fires therapist -- 1 drink
Apologizes to therapist -- 1 drink
Makes "eyes" at therapist -- 1 drink
Muscles in on someone else's procedure -- 1 drink
Guy from "Pulp Fiction" appears -- 1 drink
Blows off head nurse -- 1/2 drink
Says something kind to any ER member -- 3 drinks
Bitches about refrigerator -- 1 drink


Looks at Ross while he's not looking 1/2 drink
Fiancee appears -- 1 drink
Mentions him in earshot of Ross -- 1 drink
Mentions suicide attempt -- 2 drinks
Puts off the wedding -- 2 drinks
Cancels wedding/engagement -- chug (and cheer loudly)
Does some Maria Theresa-esque thing -- 1/2 drink
Bounced from one doctor to another in order to assign patient
to someone -- 1 drink
Not in scrubs -- 1 drink


Someone orders O- blood in the ER -- 1 drink
Morganstern mentions the piano showroom -- 1 drink
Patrick, The guy with the helmet appears -- 1 drink
Bob appears -- 1 drink
She does something doctor-ly -- 2 drinks
If we find out why Morganstern keeps mentioning it -- 2 drinks
Someone calls "Carter" something other than "Carter" -- 1 drink
Firefighter in Full turnout gear (Including Helmet) appears
-- 1 drink.

Mentions how little sleep they get (e.g. "Anything more than 3
hours and I'm sluggish all day" --Benton)
Policeman appears -- 1 drink
If It's not that guy with the mustache -- 2 drinks
Someone shows up inappropriately garbed (i.e. tailored
labcoat, tuxedo, helmet, etc.) -- 1 drink
A scene from St. Elsewhere is "reprised" -- 1 drink
The ER crew watches the scene of an accident on TV and prepare
-- 1 drink
A member of the ER staff coming in on a gurney -- 1 drink, 2 if
they've inflicted it upon themselves.
Patient admitted who is amusingly uder the influence of narcotic
(LSD, PCP, alcohol) -- 2 drinks
Elderly patient wants to die -- 1 drink
Defibrulators used -- 1 drink
Someone's having sex in ER -- 2 drinks
Someone's sleeping in ER (staff member) -- 1/2 drink
Someone manages to sleep all night without interuption--all chug

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