

Beer Game: Deep Space 9

Category: Movie/T.V. Games

Beer Games You've gotten plastered for Star Trek, you've gotten wrecked sipping every time Capt. Picard adjusted his shirt, and now you've got yet another excuse to drink beer: the "Deep Space 9" drinking game. Like the ST and ST:TNG games, a drink is taken for common events that are part of the show (such as Kirk always kissing the (alien) girl, Worf getting beat up, etc). Some fans start to look forward to these events. Just so I don't get blamed for somebody spewing, it's recommended that you use shots or small gulps of beer when you take a drink. You may want to have some harder stuff for special events mentioned below, or chug a whole beer as suggested.

Before the show starts, everyone picks a character. Everytime the character you picked gets into a confrontation, conflict, or fight, take a drink.

Plus take a drink whenever:

Something isn't working properly on the station
Anyone says 'DS9' as the name of the space station
Violence breaks out on the promenade ring
The wormhole is shown/opens (this includes the opening credits)
The station is shown from outside
The 'cog' airlocks are used/operated
Any door is seen opened manually (if it's a 'cog', take two)
Somebody mentions Bjor (only one drink per line; any number during the scene)
Sisko threatens somebody
Someone hits on Dax
Odo is puzzled by humanoid behavior
The Cardasian spy uses clothing as a euphemism for something else
Dr. Bashir suggests something patently unwise

And then take a drink AND do an action everytime:

Someone rides the elevator to/from the control room
Action: say "going up?" or "going down?"
A shuttlecraft is shown
Action: guess the name of the craft out loud
Odo shapeshifts
Action: say "Jell-O!"
O'Brien uses the transporters
Action: nostalgic sigh
Jake Sisko gets in trouble
Action: say "Kids these days!"
Kira has a case of divided loyalties
Action: put a drink in each hand and have a drink from both
Quark is seen behind the bar
Action: take a second drink, or have a shot of something stronger

Plus, chug a whole beer when and if:

Someone from Star Trek: The Next Generation makes an appearance (members of the O'Brien family don't count, but secondary characters and extras if you can identify them absolutely do count)
Sisko backs down or knuckles under to someone else
Odo does something intentionally humorous
Dr. Bashir does something clever not related to medicine.
Dax gets into an amorous (sexual) encounter
O'Brien is asked to jury-rig something to save the day and it doesn't work
Quark does something selfless

An average one hour episode consumes three beers per participant.

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