Games: Miscellaneous Mish-Mosh of Icebreakers
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- Boot-A-Bout
The rules are simple: Buy a pitcher of beer. Player one puts any amount of money in the middle of th ...
- Burnout
This is a simple game that requires nothing more than a plastic or glass cup, a napkin, a few cigare ...
- Camp Master
This is one that will piss off the unknowing who will kick themselves after they figure out the patt ...
- Cardinal Puff
This game is best played with a small group and each participant must be very observant and alert at ...
- Categories
A simple game that requires a little bit of thought. Standard supplies: people and beer. ...
Mass quantities of beer, 2 teams of equal size, plastic cups, and a table. ...
- Frisbeer
Equipment: a frisbee, at least 4 plastic cups, lots of beer and a hot, sunny day. ...
- I Never
This is a great game for a group of close friends or people who really like to share hints of their ...
- Letters
Another pretty simple game that requires minimal thought; that is the best kind. Only the barest of ...
- Matchbox Game
You need : people (4 or 5 works well), beer, matchbox, table. ...
- No Name Game
Best way to play is with two teams of two people each. It's really very simple but can cause a mean ...
- One Big Chicken
A great bar game, any number of people may play. High buzz factor. Supplies: people and beer, the ba ...
- One Duck, Couple Geese
The object of this game is to repeat what is being said by the lead person, while drinking a lot. Th ...
- Postmodernism: The Drinking Game
RULE ONE: If anyone, at any time, for any reason, believes in, supports, or likes a person, place, o ...
- Power Hour
My fraternity brothers often play Power Hour. All you do is take a shot of beer every 60 seconds for ...
- Questions
This is a favorite drinking game, although it's often difficult to find people willing to play it. M ...
- Rhyme
A drinking game for aspiring poets, well, not really. You'll need people and beer to play, that's it ...
- Roxanne
Nothing quite like a musical drinking game. Get yourself a copy of the Police's "Roxanne" (originall ...
- Sh!t on your neighbor
It's really simple, but a lot of fun: ...
- Smile
Highly adult game. Low buzz factor, nonetheless quite enjoyable to play. ...
- Suck and Blow
A classic game for the purpose of meeting people-- not for getting drunk. Supplies needed: people of ...
- The Million Dollar Drunk
There is also another beer drinking game called "The Million Dollar Drunk". This game is pretty well ...
- The Name Game
Another good "get to know ya'" kind of game. Mid buzz factor. Only the standard supplies are needed: ...
- The crisp packet tower game
Lots of McCoys crisps (chilli flavoured) or any type of foil-wrapped crisp packets (or chip packets, ...
- Touchy Feely
Need people (5-8), beer, aluminum can, and a bic lighter. The object is not to laugh while making a ...
- Vegie Game
Everyone sits in a circle (surprise) and chooses a type of vegie or fruit to be. They will be called ...
- Waterfall
The host of a party calls a waterfall. Everyone participating (grudgingly or not) must fill up their ...
- Who Shit
Who Shit is very similar to Thumper, but where Thumper was a game of hand gestures to identify a per ...