Please thank Dave Wills for sponsoring the Hop Page by visiting Freshops.


Copyright © 1995-1999 by Glenn Tinseth, All Rights Reserved

Thanks for visiting the Hop Page.
There's a Table of Contents below listing what the Hop Page has to
offer. I'm your host, Glenn Tinseth,
and I'm a Hophead. Once scorned, today hop lovers
are holding their heads higher, lifting their
India Pale Ales and Bohemian Pilsners in a world-wide
toast to the magical powers of lupulin. Like most other "web authors"
I'll recite the litany: this webspace is a work in progress;
I have some fun ideas for
additional pages, so stay tuned and see what happens.
What's Here
This is, I think, the most comprehensive collection of hop information
available on the Web. Although I'd like to take credit for everything you
see here, I had a lot of help. Norm Pyle
is the man responsible for compiling and maintaining the
Hop FAQ--all I did was convert it to
For better or for worse, I must take credit for the idea for
the online Bitterness Calculator and the
article on Hop Aroma and Flavor (first published
in the 1993 Jan./Feb. issue of Brewing Techniques magazine).
The C code to run the CGI-based Bitterness Calculator was
written by my good friend Tim Pugh. The
JavaScript bitterness and water chemistry
calculators were a fun way to learn a scripting language.
Some of you may not know where to get good, fresh hops. My current favorite source (and the
sponsor of the Hop Page) is Freshops. The Oregon Hop
Commission has put together a page that contains great descriptions of Oregon hop varieties and a very good
paper on growing hops in
the home garden. Dave Wills also has some info on
growing hops.
For information about growing hops in New England, take a
look at Dr. Leonard
Perry's hop pages at the University of Vermont, Burlington.
For brewers interested in the science of hops and brewing, I've included
information about my hop utilization numbers.
You'll also find a page describing several of the American
Society of Brewing Chemists Hop Analysis methods.
For a look at the hop scene in the UK, check out Gillian Grafton's
Hops in the UK page.
In addition to all the hop information, I've included a few quality links I
like to visit. For homebrewers,
Al Korzonas's BrewInfo Page
and The Brewery are outstanding. John Lock has put
together a site called the Beer Info Source
that should appeal to homebrewers and professionals alike.
Since a lot of people like to read about beer as well as drink it, here
is Dave Brockington's Beer
Tasting Notebook. Dave's a talented beer critic and a
very conscientous beer judge--I take his feedback on my homebrew very seriously.
And, of course, being from Oregon, I have to include a couple of links that
describe the beer scene here in the "Good Beer Capital of the US." Ed
Lingel has done a great job on
The Oregon Beer Page, while Don Scheidt's
Northwest BrewPage chronicles the whole Pacific Northwest.
Tell Me What You Think
As you have probably guessed by now, I love hops and homebrewing--I've learned
a lot about both in the last eight years. The World Wide Web, on the other hand,
is all new to me. I'd love to hear what you think of this page and its links,
about hops, homebrewing, or just beer in general. Send me
email [gtinseth (at) yahoo (dot) com] and I promise to answer back.

Table of Contents
JavaScript Online Bitterness Calculator
CGI-BIN Online Bitterness Calculator
JavaScript Online Water Chemistry Calculator
JavaScript Online Beer Specs Chemistry Calculator
Norm Pyle's Hop FAQ
Hop Aroma and Flavor
Hop Utilization Numbers
Oregon Hop Commission
Dave Wills on Growing Hops
Leonard Perry's Growing Hops in New England
Gillian Grafton's Hops in the UK
Freshops Online Store
The Brockington's Award Winning India Pale Ale Recipe
Thom Thomlinson's India Pale Ale Article from Brewing Techniques
Al Korzonas's BrewInfo Page
The Brewery
John Lock's Beer Infonet
Good Beer
Dave Brockington's Beer Tasting Notebook
The Oregon Beer Page
Northwest BrewPage
Return to the Introduction.

Send feedback to: gtinseth (at) yahoo (dot) com