
Brewery workers occupy plant

Molson asks for mediator to end standoff at Barrie brewery

Nov 22, 1999 - Nearly 30 brewery workers took over the Molson's Barrie, Ontario, plant Sunday night. Molson said Monday it has requested a provincial mediator intervene to help end the standoff.


The action came after five days of talks about job cuts broke off on Friday. Members of the Canadian Auto Workers union said they plan to keep production shut down until Molson agrees to transfer workers to a Toronto plant rather than laying them off.

"We wish to take this one day at a time, we are not going to embark on any sort of action that would make the situation more difficult. Our workers' safety is a priority for us," said Molson spokesman John Paul Macdonald.

"Market share is what this company understands," said local union president Ken Saunders. "We aim to get their attention."

He said the workers would remain in the facility until their demands are met. Hundreds more protested outside the plant. "Our bottom-line position is that we want those jobs in Etobicoke. There's nothing else that will satisfy the membership," Saunders said. "They've got absolutely no production and will not get any production at this plant until we meet with the company to start talks."

The union said earlier that if a settlement was not reached by Sunday night it would launch an ad campaign to encourage Ontarians to stop buying beer from Molson Canada.

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