
Samichlaus revived

'Santa Claus' beer to be re-launched Oct. 20

Oct 9, 2000 - Michael Jackson, writing at The Beer Hunter, provides an exclusive report that the most famous Christmas beer in Europe, Samichlaus ("Santa Claus"), is being revived after four years' absence.


This strong (14% alcohol by volume) rich, darkish, lager traitionally was brewed each year on St Nicholas' Day, Dec. 6. It matured for the best part of 12 months, gaining strength in the lagering tank, and was released on the same date of the following year, with a vintage date.

The beer originally made by Hürlimann, of Switzerland, was withdrawn when that brewery was acquired by the same country's Feldschlösschen. Now, that latter has reached an agreement with the Eggenberg Castle brewery, of Austria, to bring the beer back to life. The revived Santa Claus will be launched at the brewery on Oct. 20. It will be made available in the United States by Wetten Importers.

Read Jackson's complete story.

More from Jackson on Samichlaus:
   - Apparent death of Santa Claus
   - Mine's a pint of Santa Claus

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