A beer for Santa?
Two surveys find beer outpolls sherry, milk and other beverages
Dec 18, 2002 - Does Santa Claus really prefer beer for Christmas? Certainly, at least if you ask the right people.
A survey in England commissioned by Marston's Pedigree found that nearly 40% of men over thirty said that if they stepped into Santa's boots they would much prefer ale to sherry, which only scored 17%. In a poll of Realbeer.com readers, five out of six participants (83%) said they thought Santa prefers beer and chips. Milk and cookies received 9% of the votes and wine and cheese 6%. A Real Beer Media spokesperson acknowledged he results would likely be different at Milkandcookies.com. The polling for the Marston Brewery was done by National Opinion Pole. "Marston's Pedigree commissioned the survey after enjoying high 'take home' sales, which have currently gone through the roof with Pedigree moving up to third position on the bottled ale chart," said Ian Pollit, W&DB's Director of Take Home Trade. Marston's Pedigree launched a �1 million "Uncompromising" campaign this month, including posters sites, bus sides, radio and national and regional press. The "Uncompromising" message is meant to reaffirm Marston's commitment to distinctive ale brewed in wood.
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