Barley, hops and caffeine
Light-looking MoonShot Beer contains 'coffee' punch
Sept 24, 2004 - Is it a beer? Is it a caffeinated drink? It turns out MoonShot Beer is both. The light-bodied pilsner laced with 45mgs of caffeine has been released in bars and package stores across Massachusetts and the Greater Atlanta area.
MoonShot is the brainchild of Rhonda Kallman, who teamed with Jim Koch to launch the Boston Beer Co. 20 years ago, then struck out on her own with Edison Light.
"I was dancing at a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert when 'lightning struck,'" Kallman said. "I'd been drinking Edison light beer beforehand, and then switched to caffeinated soda during the concert. What an uplifting sensation! I thought to myself, 'How can I bottle this feeling and give it to the rest of the world?' Here it is!" MoonShot is contract brewed for Kallman's New Century Brewing Co. by Matt Brewing in New York, which also produces Edison Light. Its 45 mgs of natural caffeine � the equivalent of half a cup of coffee - are the most allowed by law in a 12-ounce alcoholic beverage. A bottle contains 128 calories and 9 carbohydrates, with 4.8% alcohol by volume. It's not the first beer to contain caffeine. Many craft breweries make beer with coffee as an ingredient, but most often those are darker beers - such as porters and stouts. MoonShot is a golden pilsner without any coffee flavor. Recommended price for a six-pack is $6.99 and $7.49.
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