Bear Republic Tarot Series is ready to rock!

Bear Republic Brewing Company
The latest release in our Tarot Series is here! Get your hands on our Summer Ale, The Sun.
When The Sun appears in a tarot reading, it represents success, abundance and strength. The Sun calls on you to express yourself authentically!
Order both ales in our tarot series below.
Tarot Series: The Sun
Feel The Sun’s warm energy radiate positivity into everything you do. Bring joy and happiness into every day and the earth will reward you with delicious beer, like our summer ale with aromas of fruity marmalade and lavender.
Tarot Series: The Fool Pale Ale
Life is one big experiment! Be like The Fool and live daring and carefree. Take a leap of faith toward new and unknown journeys just like our new pale ale, brewed bright and hoppy with Hopsteiner Lotus & Lemondrop.

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