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Tasting Corona

In April 2000 we asked readers to pick the beer they'd most like to have left with them on a deserted is island. Since Corona is the No. 1 selling import in the United States, it isn't surprising that plenty of readers made that their top choice. Here's what some of them told us:

Nothing beats a ice cold Corona with a lime while sitting on a boat looking out into the ocean, I know it sounds like the commercial, but, try it... You'll see.

- Jose Fernandez

I LOVE Corona - you put a lime in it and it's like a party for your mouth. It's just a great beer to drink when you want to have a good time. It goes down really easy too.

- Bree Derench

The greatest feeling is going to my friends place and drinking Corona, with fresh lime off the backyard tree. The temperature is usually above 80. During the summer we go in front of the house and watch the people pass by. It feels like we are are in a tropical resort relaxing and drinking Corona. Its a poor man's way to enjoy his weekend!

- Eric Cole

It's simply the best! Of course, being in the army stationed in Panama, where Corona went for $1.25 a 6-pack, helped get me hooked on it!

- John Schettle

Because it tastes the best when I go fly-fishing on a hot summer day.

- Scott

It reminds me of our vacations in Mexico. Corona is the beer that got my wife to start drinking beer. Until she tried corona she didn't like beer. Now we sit around the pool, a little salt and lime and we are good-to-go!

- Rick Harper

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