Horizon Air serves free beer
Airline gives passengers taste of Portland Brewing beers
Oct 11, 1999 - Travelers who missed the free beer on Horizon Air flights in September will get another chance to sample Portland Brewing beers in November and December.
"When we announce that we're serving free beer, and then tell them it's craft beer, they start talking amongst themselves," said Brenda Ellering, Horizon Air's Purchasing Assistant. "It's very well received, and as far as I know, we're the only airline offering this kind of service." Horizon Air, which serves the Western U.S., Canada and Mexico, served Portland's Zig Zag River Lager free of charge on a majority of its flights in September. It will offer Icicle Creek in November and its new winter seasonal, BobbyDazzler, in December. "This is a great marketing opportunity for us because we're building rapport with a truly captive group of beer lovers," said Portland Brewing On-Premise Sales Manager Tom Calhoun. "It's important to note, however, that we're not actually giving each passenger an entire bottle, as the bottles are 22-ounce containers.
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