
Miller plans 'reality' ads

'Miller Lite Lens' to capture real beer drinkers in Texas bars

May 17, 2001 - Miller Brewing Co. is getting in the reality TV business. The "Miller Lite Lens" will visit bars in five Texas markets throughout June and July, conducting screen tests for consumers who may then star in a series of commercials.


"The Lens" film crews will visit popular bars and clubs in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Rio Grande Valley areas and will conduct screen tests for Miller Lite drinkers 25 and older. In each market, selected consumers will appear in a "Miller Lite Lens" television commercial, with one consumer in each market being selected to star in the series of final spots.

For the final series of commercials, the "Miller Lite Lens" crew will follow the winning consumer and his or her friends for a night on the town. A series of four 30-second "Miller Lite Lens" television commercials will be created from the footage filmed that night.

Miller Lite will randomly conduct four to five "Lens" talent searches per night; specific locations of the film crew will not be announced in advance.