Take the beer cure?
Australian brewery claims says glass of its beer good for headaches
Apr 8, 2004 - The Lovely Valley Beverage Factory in Myponga, Australia, claims the water in its beer, soft drinks and packaged water can be good for what ails you - from headaches to kidney stones.
LVBF recently opened, brewing beer and other products with water once used by the Myponga Cheese factory. The water from the Lovely Valley Spring contains high levels of nutritional minerals, including magnesium (27 milligrams per liter, compared to the average of three for most bottled waters), sodium, potassium calcium, sulphate, iron and chloride. These minerals aid in the healthy functioning of the body and can prevent the onset of many ailments. In the case of a headache, the Lovely Valley Beverage company recommends a glass of their beer or water and a lie down.
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