
Cold Tecate hot topic

'Finally, a cold Latina' billboards pulled after protests

May 6, 2004 - Cinco de Mayo (May 5) was not a particularly good day for Tecate beer in New Mexico, as Tecate distributors agreed to take down new billboard advertisements throughout Albuquerque because of what were perceived as sexist and racist references to Latinas.


The billboards carried a picture of a cold bottle of Tecate and the words, "Finally, a cold Latina." Evanegline Sandoval Trjillo, president of the Mexican American National Association of Women in Albuquerque, called the billboards appalling.

"I find it insulting," she said. "'Finally, a cold Latina' stereotypes as all as being hot. I think it portrays Hispanic women in a way we have tried to get away from."

Labatt USA, distributors of the Mexican beer, quickly agreed to take down the ads from seven billboards around town. "We never expected that these advertisements would generate such controvery," said Jesus Lopez, a Labatt USA representative in New Mexico. "But we started getting calls and messages about the billboard. It seems people either really liked them or didn't."

Brenda Williams, Labatt USA director of public affairs based in Connecticut, said: "We haven't had any other complaints from other cities with the same advertisments throughout the region."