
'Best by' bonanza

Teens cash in on old beer at Norway grocery

Sept 14, 2004 - An Oslo, Norway, grocery store paid two enterprising teens 7,000 kroner ($1,030) not to buy beer they couldn't have anyway. The Verdens Gang newspaper reported the two boys, ages 14 and 15, took advantage of the store's promise to pay shoppers a bonus if they found any products with expired freshness dates.


The Norwegian grocery store chain Kiwi offers to pay customers the retail price of any product they find that is past its "best by" date. So the teens started checking at a store on the outskirts of Oslo and found 280 cans of Carlsberg beer that were out of date.

They promptly loaded the 0.5-liter cans into shopping carts, and took them to the cashier. Clerks at the store weren't sure what to do since the boys were under 18, the minimum age for buying beer in Norway. They called their parents, and the police.

After it was determined that the boys had not tried to buy the beer, it was decided they were entitled to the reward. Because alcohol is heavily taxed in Norway, the retail price for each can they was 25 kroner ($3.67).

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