Nuts beer
British brewer, magazine make limited edition batch
Feb 21, 2005 - How about some Nuts beer to go with your Beer Nuts?
The English magazine Nuts has struck a deal with Marston's Brewery to produced 200 cases of "Nuts Premium Beer" to be given away in a series of competition in the magazine. The current issue features the beer on the cover. "We are delighted to brew this special beer for such a popular title as Nuts," said Peter Jackson, marketing director of Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries (WDB) Brands. "The team at Nuts recognized our commitment to quality and brewing excellence when they came to us to ask us to brew this beer." A spokeswoman said that if demand for the beer was high enough then WDB Brands could look into making it a more permanent fixture in their portfolio. Perhaps then it will be possible to pair the beer with the popular Beer Nuts snack produced in the United States.
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