Glass back in Glasgow
Council eases proposed ban on real glassware in pubs
June 20, 2006 - The Glasgow city council has decided against a much-maligned plan to ban all pubs from using glasses and instead will target certain premises.
The Scottish city's plan would have gone into effect next Janaury - although legal challenges were expected. Instead only premises with the highest incidence of glass attacks will serve drinks in plastic or toughened glass. Venues that are open after midnight already have had to abandon glassware, but this decision means that 95% of pubs will not be affected. British Beer and Pub Association director of communications Mark Hastings welcomed the news. "We view Glasgow's view to amend it's policy as a positive move, but we reserve the right to take further legal action once we've studied the policy in detail," he said. The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) also praised the news that what it called "nanny-state" plans had been abandoned. CAMRA Scottish Director Ken Davie said: "I am delighted that the Glasgow Licensing Board has seen sense. Banning the use of conventional glass in all Glasgow's public houses would have sent a very negative message to all visitors to the city and was bound to damage tourism. It is right and proper that a ban is imposed where a venue has a history of assaults using glass, however the vast majority of Glasgow's public houses are well run and trouble free."
Published : June 20, 2006
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