Courage brands sold
Wells & Young buys ale brands from Scottish & Newcastle
Jan 17, 2007 - Wells & Young's Brewing Co. has bought the rights to brew, market and sell the Courage ale brands from Scottish & Newcastle.
To facilitate these arrangements, a new joint venture business will be formed, Courage Brands Ltd, in which W&YBC will take an 83% equity stake. The Courage brands include Courage Best, Courage Directors, Courage Dark Mild and Courage Light Ale. Production will move from S&N's John Smith's Brewery in Tadcaster to W&YBC's operation in Bedford. "This is a significant first major acquisition for Wells & Young's and firmly cements our commitment to brew and develop specialty cask ale," said Nigel McNally, W&YBC's managing director. "These Courage beers are iconic within the brewing heritage of this country. The Courage name, which we are committed to retaining, underpins all that is great about our industry." McNally said that W&YBC would remain committed to the Young's brands it acquired last year and would spend more than �2m would be spent on marketing its own Bombardier brand this year. With the addition of the Courage brands, W&YBC will now brew more than 500,000 barrels a year.
Published : Jan 17, 2007
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