Toasting the tastemakers has put together a list of “Tastemakers” for wine, beer and spirits.

The list includes four beer guys: New Glarus Brewing co-founder/brewer Dan Carey, Boston Beer (Samuel Adams) founder Jim Koch, Garrett Oliver of Brooklyn Brewery (and plenty of beer writing) and Michael Jackson, the world’s leading beer writer. OK, he writes a little about whiskey, too, but we’re claiming him.

So, with apologies to Here’s to Beer, which one would you most like to have a beer with?

4 Replies to “Toasting the tastemakers”

  1. Stan — I realize, but I figure I’d best make the rounds first. Too bad Fred isn’t on the list, I could add him and Charlie too! I just like to name drop! 😉

    And whenever I get to New Mexico and Pennsylvania…

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