Mar 09, 2025

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GABF brewers' diaries

Todd Ashman

Flossmoor Station - May 15

The call for entries for the GABF has arrived and we have to look into oour crystal ball and look for a host of things. What will my beers taste like, what my colleagues have up their sleeves, how many entries in categories I've entered just to name a few. Since 1998 I've brewed something in late January or early February aged it in wood for the purpose of sending it to the GABF.

So for me planning is nearly a year round project. To say it consumes me would be an understatement. This year we will send seven beers to be judged. What Bill Ryan my assistant and I decided to send will now haunt us as we grovel over category choices, borderline color parameters, multiple enties within a category and a lot more. All we can do now is sit around and second guess ourselves.

Next, the confirmation letter.

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