Feb 22, 2025

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GABF brewers' diaries

Bill Madden

Capitol City Brewing - Sept. 17

Thoughts on GABF today ... not much.

I have too much to do than to think about that. There is brewing, like now I am brewing a 30 barrel batch of Amber Waves Ale. It is 7 something in the morn, I mashed in at 6:30 and the mash rest is almost over at 8 a.m. I need to get the rest of our Oktoberfest bier out of the fermenter so I have a tank to sent today's brew into. There is our Oktoberfest Beer Festival to finish off some details for and one brewery is not returning my calls and another brewery rep is doing the same. I need to get these guys to return my calls so I can start mapping out the 40-plus tents we will have lining the street with over 30 breweries being represented.

Then there is the broken solenoid on the APV kegger/cleaner.

Nope ... not thinking about GABF ... just as I am writing this, gotta go, run off starts!

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