Games: Board/Commerical
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- BEERchesi
An adaptation of the game Parchesi. If you already know how to play, it's just as easy. If you don't ...
- BEERgammon
Another adaptation of board games, this one obviously to Backgammon. A pretty tame game, that just g ...
- BEERopoly
An adaptation to the classic game of Monopoly, with a slight twist. Buzz factor is very high. Suppli ...
- Beer Chess
Playing The Game ...
- Beer Gammon
Another adaptation of board games, this one obviously to Backgammon. A pretty tame game, that just g ...
- Beer Golf
At least 3 golfers (1 to be a mandatory DD), 1 car (more if 4-plus golfers), money. ...
- Beer softball
This is a game that we played in college in the '60s. All fielders, base runners and batters have 5- ...
- Checkers
Nothing quite like a drinking game based on games we grew up on. The normal supplies are needed: Bee ...
- Chutes And Ladders
Buzz factor: High ...
- Dominoes
Another straightforward and simple game. If you know how to play Dominoes, and if you know how to dr ...
- Drink Pong
1) Failed Slam. If a person attempts to SLAM the ball and misses the shot, i.e., ball goes into the ...
- Drinking Jenga
You simply modify a standard Jenga game by writing various rules on the Jenga pieces with a magic ma ...
- Drinking Uno #2
The rules are the same as regular Uno, but every time you have to take a card you also take a drink. ...
- Jenga
A simple adaptation of the skill game with wooden blocks. You're going to need "Jenga," players, and ...
- Operation
Whenever you successfully remove an object, you drink. Whenever you hit the metal and it buzzes, yo ...
- Pass the Pigs
You play the game as normal, except that every one, five, ten or twenty points you hand out to anoth ...
Slam Pong is a variant on the game of Ping Pong that incorporates some aspects of volleyball and emp ...
- Variation of Jenga
A great variation of Jenga is to write commands on each Jenga piece. Then stack all pieces upside do ...
- Variation of Risk
Simple rules: play risk, take a drink for each army you lose... Not a game for the lightweight. ...