Homebrew Adventures - Where the brewing adventure begins...
Homebrew Adventures - Where the brewing adventure begins...

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Palmer House Brewery and Smithy

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Science.

Welcome to my homepage! As was indicated in the title, two of my main hobbies are homebrewing and metalworking. The Palmer House Brewery and Smithy is the name of my workshop in the backyard. I chose the name because I felt it was more descriptive and respectable than, "His Fort".



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Some Thoughts

"The only* way for a person to achieve immortality on this earth is through integrity."
* firm theological beliefs aside...
"It's not whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, it's a matter of whether you are going to make the decision to refill it.
"Sure life is tough, but where else can you find this much opportunity?"
"You can never realize how much your parents love you until you have children of your own. "
"The meaning of life: To learn to love as God loves, without condition. Only when we can learn to set aside our childish fears and insecurities, to accept all people of good will into our hearts regardless of race, religion, or orientation, will we begin to fulfill God's purpose in creating us in his own image."
"Nothing pleases the Devil more than when we kill each other in the name of God. Stop the violence."


Blair Brew Project - Homebrew Adventures
Blair Brew Project - Homebrew Adventures

[email protected]