Home-grown hops: Diseases and pests
Second of three parts
By Alan Moen
Homebrewers who grow hops for the first time are not unlike gardeners who try
zucchini: the vigorous nature of the plant will convince anyone they've got a
green thumb. But prolific as they are, hops can still be easily devastated by
diseases or pests, which can turn a healthy, flowering vine into a withered
weed in a few weeks or even less. Home hop growers need to recognize the signs of
problems in the early stages to correct them . Here are some things to look
Downy Mildew - this disease is the bane of hops worldwide, and has contributed
to the decline of more than one major hop-growing area. It is typically
caused by too much moisture in the soil or on the plants themselves, either from frequent
rain or overhead watering ( a good argument for drip irrigation.) Usually
the first signs for this are on the leaves, which curl and become brittle - silvery
on the upper surface and dark, even black, beneath. Since mildew typically begins
at the bottom or shaded part of the vine, it's a good idea to keep this area well
weeded and prune back the hop leaves for the first three feet or so. There are also
fungicide sprays that can be quite effective for mildew control ,such as
Ridomal, and others that are systemic poisons, but these are usually not available
to the home grower.
Verticillum Wilt - another hop disease caused by excessive moisture on the
plants. I once had three healthy vines growing in my backyard in the
Seattle area that were nearly ten feet tall by the end of April; thanks to incessant
rainfall in May, they were a total loss to wilt in the ensuing months. Again, pruning and
fungicides can help, but you can't always fight Mother Nature very effectively.
Wet, cool weather can also help spread another threat to the health of your
vines: aphids. These insects are typically white and can quickly cover the
underside of leaves with their sticky goo. Depending on how your hops are trellised
(hopefully not against a wall, ) aphids can be destroyed by the use of
insecticidal soaps such as Safer or oil sprays. A hop expert once recommended a mixture of
sugar and diatomaceous earth as a spray, which literally cuts the bodies of the
nasty beasts as they crawl over the leaves (sorry to say, I've never tried
this.) Ladybugs provide a good natural solution, since they are a very voracious aphid
predator, but it may be hard to obtain enough of them to be effective. They
also have a nagging tendency to fly away just when they are most needed. Organic
gardeners who buy ladybugs usually keep them cool (even refrigerated) before
releasing them on the plants. which should be done at night or very early
in the morning. I have used them on spider mites with some success. Lacewing larvae
also kill aphids and have the additional advantage of staying put on the hop
leaves. Once again, you may need quite a few of these, which can be expensive.
Another hop pest actually proliferates in hot, dry weather: red spider
mites. Look for brownish or rusty spots on the upper parts of leaves and the thin white
webs they make beneath. It's best to remove any infected leaves immediately to keep
mites from spreading. Natural soaps and garden sprays work quite well against
mites, including Diazinon, but sure not to spray within a couple of weeks
before harvest.
With proper planting, hop maintenance, pest control, and some important help
from Mother Nature, you're set for a good hop harvest in the fall, which I'll
discuss in the next installment.
© 1997 Alan Moen