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Homebrewing: Better brewing

Getting started
A crash course in brewing
You are probably standing in the kitchen, wanting to get started, your beer kit and equipment on the counter, wondering how long this will take and what to do first. John Palmer's How to Brew is an online book that serves brewing roolies and veterans alike.

Questions you were afraid to ask
Don't worry about how silly a question sounds. There aren't many that somebody hasn't already asked. Even the most experienced brewers were newbies once. Homebrew store operators repeat questions they hear often and provide answers.

Suggestions to get brewing buddies started
Before the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) and the Home Wine and Beer Trade Association (HBTWA) sponsored Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day in 1999, AHA Paul Gatza answered questions about how the project works.

20 tips for better brewing
It's simple. If you want to make good homebrewed beer, all you need are the best possible ingredients, the best possible equipment, good recipes, and sound technique.

Keep cool for summer brewing
Too hot to brew? Never. If you can peel yourself from the cheap chair and don't mind standing over a pot of boiling brew, you can brew in the summer. All it takes is some good old-fashioned Yankee Homebrew Ingenuity and a little planning.

10 keys to great lager
By keeping in mind some of the traits that separate lagers from ales, homebrewers can produce lagers that are every bit as good if not better than their commercially produced cousins.

Eight tips to advance your brewing skills
The art of brewing comes into play when brewers draw from their knowledge, experience, and available techniques and tools to create new beers and brewing techniques.

Refining your skills
Diacetyl: Formation, reduction and control
Diacetyl -- the compound responsible for buttery or butterscotch flavors that sometimes arise in beer -- can be controlled if you understand the mechanisms that contribute to its production.

Blending and the art of salvage
What to do with that unfortunate mistake of a recipe? Design another beer that is out of balance in an opposite and complementary way.

Managing mash thickness
Most brewers find it worthwhile to consider the issues of mash thickness when they make changes in their brewing process. Important issues include mashing in, mash target temperatures, and the interplay among enzyme activities, mash temperature, and mash thickness.

Fabulous foam
Beer foam has a short, tragic existence. It is born, lives, and dies. For homebrewers, there are many elements to putting a good head on a beer and keeping it there.

Doing battle with bacteria
Invisible predators of sweet wort, bacteria are the brewer's nemesis. Some survive the boil and compete with yeast in the fermentor, imparting offensive aromas and off-flavors. The key to winning the war against bacteria is proper sanitization and pitching plenty of pure, fresh, healthy yeast.

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