Mar 29, 2025


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Homebrewing: Recipes

Behind the recipes
Setting out on your own
Beginning brewers tend to look everywhere for recipes. Homebrewing texts are loaded with them, as are brewing magazines. Recipes from competition winners are also a good place to start. Eventually, however, the brewer feels the need to strike out on his own. Other people's recipes don't quite make it, or the brewer's creative juices are running so strongly that someone else's beer just isn't enough.

Thinking about beer recipe formulation
Daryl Richman offers his insights in creating an award winning dopplebock recipe. "By explaining the reasoning process that I followed in developing the recipe for this beer, I share an approach that can be used to formulate recipes for any style."

Spreadsheet for recipe design
Using a spreadsheet to perform repetitive calculations makes light work of the technical side of recipe design, freeing you to follow your creative inclinations. First, the rationale behind creating a spreadsheet.

Recipe: Wit beer with a cherry twist
Malted barley, malted and unmalted wheat, sometimes oats, often spiced with coriander and orange peel. What other "secret" additions might you consider for a wit beer. Here's one you may not thought of.

Take Heart with Winter Warmers
These seasonal beers were traditionally served to warm the body and soul with their herbs, spices, and high alcohol content. Recipes included for spruce beer, wassail, and a brew to fight off Old Man Winter.

Opening Day special
If you wanted to pop this beer on baseball's Opening Day you needed to brew it a while back -- but it's a long season and there's plenty of beer drinking baseball weather ahead. So try Ty Cobb's Georgia Peach Pilsner. Brewed like a classic American pre-Prohibition style lager, with a generous helping of hops and the taste of rice, but then lagered on peaches.

The Replicator: Alaskan Amber
Brew Your Own magazine receives lots of requests for commercial clone recipes and the great amber from Alaska always tops the wish list. It's a nice beer and easy to approximate, if you use the right ingredients and yeast.

Light beer the way it used to be
A recipe for Golden Age Pre-Prohibition Pilsner, intended to produced a crisp, hoppy, light-bodied beer that is refreshing and still tasty.

Black Steam ahead
What alternatives do you have when you can't decide whether to brew a standard California common and a Munich dunkel? Black Steam is a perfect beer to consider heading into the summer brewing months.

Winterbok for a chilly night
Here's a somewhat stronger than average bock, dark and rich, with burnt sugar and roasted grain notes, mild hops offset by the cool, smooth bite of wintergreen.

Sierra Nevada clone
Greg Snapp, Frugal Homebrewer, Waukesha, Wis., offers an extract recipe for a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale tastealike. It requires a small portion of specialty grains but can be done on the kitchen stove with no more than beginning equipment.

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