Mar 25, 2025

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Irish pubs the world 'round

And Irish pub should have "a regular and knowing clientele; an absence of ale quaffers, ginsippers, whiskey suppers, or wine-bibbers; a seemly and decorous interior in shades of brown and mahogany, relieved only by the glitter of glass . . . sawdust and framed enlargements of hurlers, footballers, horses or dogs."

What makes Irish pubs so appealing? The answer is different for many. Their popularity is a worldwide phenomenon, but nowhere is that more apparent than the United States.
- Stouts and craic: Irish pubs in America
- The short list: 10 great pubs chosen for USA Today
- The whole list: 300 Irish pubs in the U.S.

"As the train passed through County Westmeath, Theresa observed that J.P. Donleavy, author of The Ginger Man lived there, and would surely board the train," Michael Jackson writes. "He didn't, and that was the first of many occasions upon which I have failed to meet J.P. Donleavy."

Looking for an Irish pub in Copehagen that offers quiz night on Tuesday? This site offers pubs with names like O'Sheas and Paddy Go Easy from the Netherlands to Latvia.
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