Beer Break Vol. 1, No. 29
Picking the proper beer glass
March 22, 2001
You don't have to take glassware as seriously as a Belgian beer cafe to
benefit from using a glass that flatters the style of beer you choose for the
moment. As well as the visual aesthetics -- a beautiful beer looks even
better in a beautiful glass -- there are serious tasting considerations when
making your choice.
Yes, we know people who have ordered beer in Belgium and then been told they
couldn't get it NOT because the cafe didn't have the beer in stock but
because they didn't have the proper glass to serve it from. No country in the
world does as wonderful job of matching beer glass to beer style, and even
individual beers, as Belgium. Breweries all make their own glasses with
colorful logos, and offer different styles for different beers they brew.
For instance, if you order a Lindemans Framboise, it is best enjoyed in a
champagne-style flute with Lindemans logo on the side. Drink Hooegarden White
in a stocky tumbler, but try the Hooegarden Speciale in its own flute. Have
Duvel in a large tulip goblet, and ... we go could on an on.
One way to decide what kind of glass to use is to study Michael Jackson's
Great Beer Guide because the 500-plus beers featured are pictured with
glassware provided by their brewers.
OK, we'll back up. You're probably not ready to go out and buy 300 beer
glasses, and you sure don't have any place to store them. Let's start instead
with six glasses that will cover most occasions:
Basic pint glasses - Many brewpubs and bars use tumbler or shaker pint
glasses, and you've probably got some of those at home. These are sturdy,
easy to stack and OK for serving many styles of beer. That's why they are
popular, but it also means that they aren't great at anything. A
British-style pint glass, bulged near the rim, will serve you better for pale
ales, bitter, porters and stouts. The glass will draw in the distinctive
aroma hops you expect in an American pale ale, while also capturing the
darker, roasted malt flavors of stout.
Pilsner glasses - A proper pilsner glass is tall with an inverted cone shape
and focuses the hop aroma of a beer. It allows for zesty carbonation and a
robust head.
Weizen glasses - You need the height of one of these to serve a traditional
Bavarian weizen (wheat) with a big head and high carbonation. The slightly
bowed-out shape and narrower top will focus the yeasty, fruity aroma. |
Goblets - Excellent for big and malty beers where hop aroma plays a small
role in the flavor profile. The bowl should be big enough to hold the whole
beer and still collect the aromas you want to savor before drinking. Some call these chalices, some goblets and while their may be a technical distinction between the two don't worry about it.
Tulips and snifters - These accentuate the nose for specially aromatic beers.
A snifter has a somewhat smaller opening and taller cup. Its design is
perfect for aromatic Belgian ales. Snifters are ideal for barley wines,
allowing the complexity of malt aromas and alcohol to blend. Yes, a brandy
snifter will work fine. If you are serving smaller amounts then wine glasses
make an acceptable alternative.
Thistles - We are getting into specialty glassware here but these are too
cute to leave out. The are bowed at the bottom, then open a little like a
pilsner. They also work with Belgian ales, but think of them first when
drinking Scottish ales. They will accent the malty aromas while allowing your
beer to sneak under a robust head. Many single-malt whiskey drinkers favor a
smaller version of a thistle, but without a stem.
Thanks to John's Grocery for the photos.
Tasting notes
KELPIE (seaweed beer)
Brewed by Heather Ale in Strathaven, Scotland
Michael Jackson's tasting notes:
The new product has a mahogany color; a slightly ash-like aroma; and some
sour-and-sweet seaweed notes over the fruitiness and maltiness of a Scotch
Ale. The seaweed, harvested in the Western Highlands, is used in the mash
tun. The idea is to replicate the flavors that might have arisen when island
crofters used seaweed to reinforce the soil in which they grew barley. The
beer is not intended to have the medicinal, iodine-like, seaweed character of
an Islay whisky like Laphroaig.
Brewed by Redhook Ale Brewery in Seattle
Scott Birdwell's tasting notes:
Like most of the beers of the evening, this, too, had a medium amber hue. The
bouquet is somewhat grainy, but not assertively so. The flavor is a
reasonable balance of grain and hops. Neither component really jumps out at
you, but I really couldn't say the beer was bland, because it wasn't.
Overall, a good session beer.