RBPMail 7.05, May 2001
Real Beer Page Mail (RBPMail) began as a modest update to craft-brew events on the WWW. It evolved into a news digest and sometimes editorial forum. We present its contents here much as they were emailed to subscribers. Often, links you will see are out of date, and businesses referred to may also be long gone.
In this issue:
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A German court has ruled against Anheuser-Busch's efforts to
use its Bud brand name in Germany. It said "Bud" is too much like
"Bit," the diminutive of the popular German beer Bitburger. "It's
very difficult, Bud, Bit, Bit or Bud," said Wolfgang Krueger,
spokesman for the Federal Court of Justice, which ruled on St.
Louis-based Anheuser-Busch's request to market its Budweiser beer
under two new brand names in Germany. The court said it struck
down the proposed name "American Bud" and deferred judgment on
"Anheuser-Busch Bud" because using them in Germany would likely
water down the brand name Bit. "We are optimistic that the Hamburg
court will eventually clear the way for 'Anheuser- Busch Bud,'"
said Stephen J. Burrows, chief executive of Anheuser-Busch International.
"We continue to believe both names in the case would not lead
to confusion with 'Bit.'"
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A strike at Guinness lasted less than a day last month. The interim
settlement came after seven hours of talks by union and management
negotiators. Earlier, more than 1,000 workers shut down plants
in Dublin, Waterford, Kilkenny and Dundalk, a border town to the
north where Guinness plans to shut a packaging plant later this
month. The strikers were demanding that the Dundalk plant remain
open, saving 150 jobs. As part of the late-night deal, Guinness
executives agreed to reconsider when to close the plant, but insisted
it still needed to be shut eventually. The strike was not expected
to affect supplies or sales outside Ireland in the short run,
but much of the Guinness sold in the United States is brewed at
its Dublin brewery.
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There's talk that one or more American breweries may enter the
bidding for Britain's Bass Brewing interest should a ruling that
Interbrew must sell it stand up in international court. In Colorado,
Coors has asked shareholders to change the way the company is
structured and how its stock is issued and voted. That would make
it easier to issue shares to raise money for transactions. "It
looks to me like they're trying to do a transaction, perhaps in
Europe," said beverage industry analyst Caroline Levy, citing
Bass as a possible target. A stock analyst says that Anheuser-Busch
should be just as interested. "Adding Bass to the A-B stable of
brands would give a natural lift," wrote Marc Greenberg of Deutsche
Banc Alex. Brown. "Bass would benefit from more consistent branding
and support from the unparalleled leader in on-premise marketing
and national media campaigns."
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Sleeman Breweries Ltd. has signed a strategic alliance with South
African Breweries International PLC. The five-year deal calls
for Sleeman to sell, market and distribute SAB's Pilsner Urquell
brand in Canada. The Guelph, Ont., brewer is hoping the partnership
will eventually enable it to begin making SAB labels for export
to the United States. "The people at South African Breweries are
in the process of building a U.S., or at least a North American
strategy, and this alliance allows us to be involved in those
discussions," said John Sleeman, chairman and chief executive
of Sleeman. "We could help them if they chose to have their brands
made in our facilities in Canada and sent to the United States
and labeled as imports."
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Predictions of a summer heatwave have prompted Britain's biggest
brewers to spend millions of pounds on campaigns to promote beer
on the chance that the country will be basking in the sun this
June. Brewers paid for long-range forecasts which have told them
that both May and June will be particularly warm, and that the
following months will be better than in recent years. The pub
industry has been hit by foot-and- mouth in many areas that rely
on tourists and are banking on a hot summer to lift fortunes.
One-in-10 pubs across the UK is being hit by the crisis, according
to the Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association. Average sales
in affected pubs are down 18%, and pubs with accommodation have
seen bookings fall by an average of 22%.
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Pubs and clubs in Blaenau Gwent, among the most socially deprived
areas of Wales in terms of sickness and unemployment are to be
flooded with 10,000 beer mats and posters in a bid to encourage
positive thinking. At the bottom of their pint will appear the
message, "It's Never Too Late To Learn." Black and white beer
mats, displaying the message 'Look!' on one side and 'Learn' on
the other, are part of a campaign based on a research project
by the University of Wales College Newport. The project is being
promoted by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council's community education
team, in partnership with the Workers' Educational Association
(WEA). Coordinator Jeremy Gass said, "There is widespread concern
that relatively few men are taking part in adult education."
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Roger Protz, chairman of the British Guild of Beer Writers, was
recently honored by the Czech brewery Budweiser Budvar when it
gave him his own beer stein and key to Box 68 in the "Beer Chapel"
based in the Business and Economic Center next to the brewery
in Ceske Budejovice. He is now entitled to free beer whenever
he visits the brewery. The honor is recognition of Protz's tireless
support for the Czech company and its long fight to remain independent.
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There was no shortage of rescue volunteers when a truck carrying
24,000 bottles of beer crashed into an Australian river -- some
locals donned scuba suits and others just dived in. People spent
the Easter weekend salvaging beer from the Tweed River north of
Sydney or watching others dive for bottles, police said. One man
reportedly walked away with 400 bottles of beer.
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****WEB WATCH****
Playboy magazine recently asked Beer Hunter Michael Jackson to choose
the "five best brews for summer" from anywhere in the world. Find
out what he picked.
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We scan scores of websites each day looking for interesting bits
of beer information. The best are collected here, with an occasional
bit of commentary thrown in at no extra charge.
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Sign up for Pyramid's new Beer:30 online newsletter for a chance
to win cool garb. Beer:30 keeps subscribers up to date on Pyramid
news, happenings, special offers and more. One winner a week will
score a Pyramid T-shirt. Look for the Beer:30 logo at:
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BEER PICKS***************
"Home of Incredible Views and Delicious Brews." This brewpub offers
an eclectic bistro-style menu and a changing array of ales, with
everything from Belgian-inspired choices to British-style offerings
on handpump. The fresco paintings commissioned by the WPA in the
1930s make the interior as spectacular as the ocean views.
Big Systems specializes in providing high-quality, digital output
solutions for the professional graphics and photo-imaging industries.
Its products offer craft brewers an opportunity to create their
own POS materials and save.
The Richardson, Texas, store supports its large supply of equipment
and ingredients for beer brewing or wine making needs with information
to improve the brewing adventures of everybody from beginners to
advanced brewers.
Meheen offers fully automated bottle filling and crowning machines
with pre-evacuation and long filling tubes for low air pick-up.
Merlin features new 3-tube filling technology controlled by computer.
These machines can produce up to 2,400 bottles per hour.
Midnight Sun is celebrating its sixth anniversary. With "Alaska
as our inspiration," Midnight Sun produces a full line of wild ales
and lagers, including Kodiak Brown Ale and Sockeye Red IPA. Check
the site for upcoming anniversary events and special releases:
Despite its relative "youth" -- Sapporo USA won't be 21
until 2005 -- Sapporo has established itself as the most popular
Japanese beer imported into the U.S. Find out about the beer, how
it's made, where it's sold and plenty more at:
When America's top brewers want kegs, tanks and other stainless
steel products that protect the taste and quality of their product,
they call on Spartanburg. Its containers have earned the company
a reputation that is as strong as they are.
Located in downtown Santa Rosa, a Mecca for great food and beer
lovers alike. Open seven days a week for lunch, dinner, and late
night dining: AleWorks offers an extensive menu, and an impressive
variety of beer styles. Billiards and darts upstairs, a beer garden
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Thanks to all who have been replying to our Quickie Surveys. We
draw one winner each month for a prize, which this month is a
Real Beer T- shirt. Last month's winner was Jim Callender.
We asked: How old were you when you when you had your first drink
of beer? Not surprisingly, 97% of you reported you were not yet
21 when you first tried beer.
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*********** Brewed Fresh For You! **************
The Real Beer Page announces a diverse group of brew websites
to check out:
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Roger Briess of Briess Malting, a family-owned producer of quality
malts for the craft beer industry and homebrewers, died April
25. His death shocked the craft brewing community (see editorial
below). A memorial service for Briess will be held May 19 in Chilton,
Wis. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that those wishing
to make a contribution in memory of Briess, please donate to PowerFlour
Action Network, PO Box 226, Chilton, WI 53014 "In Memory of Roger
C. Briess." PFAN is devoted to improving infant nutrition in developing
countries through the use of "PowerFlour," a malted barley flour
that turns starchy foods into liquid for weaning babies.
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The Florida Legislature has passed a measure that would lift
size restrictions on beer bottles and cans, and it needs only
the signature of Gov. Jeb Bush to become law. Existing Florida
law limits beer and other malt beverage containers to 8, 12, 16
or 32 ounces. It keeps many imports and American microbrewed beers
out of the state because they are sold in containers, often metric,
of other sizes. Rep. Tom Lee first introduced legislation in 1999
to change the law, which was enacted in 1965. The Florida Beer
Wholesalers Association mounted a quick and powerful campaign
in 1999 to make sure the repeal measure went nowhere. They argued
that the existing law is for "consumer protection," and that consumers
might be confused by new sizes and drink too much. They said prices
could go up because they would need more trucks and stores would
have to add to shelf space.
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The liquor industry has agreed to support a lower threshold for
drunken driving. It said that it will urge state legislatures
to lower the legal standard for drunken driving to 0.08% blood-alcohol
content. Most states have a 0.10% standard, but federal legislation
has made it costly for them if they don't quickly move to 0.08%.
Representatives of the beer industry, while not endorsing the
0.08% blood-alcohol standard, said they won't oppose it. Legislation
signed last fall by President Clinton would take away 2% of federal
highway money from states that fail to adopt the 0.08 standard
by 2004.
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The Institute for Brewing Studies honored several of its members
during the National Craft Brewers Conference and BrewExpo America
last month in Portland, Ore. The IBS Russell Schehrer Award for
Innovation in Craft Brewing was presented to John Harris of Full
Sail Brewing Co., while the IBS Recognition Award was awarded
to Jim and Bobbie Kennedy of Columbia Distributing. IBS Board
Chair Larry Bell also presented a Special Thanks award to Ken
Allen of Anderson Valley Brewing Co. for his contributions to
the craft brewing industry as chair of the IBS Board of Advisors
during 1998 and 1999. At the end of those presentations, Association
of Brewers president Charlie Papazian and vice president Bob Pease
paid tribute to outgoing IBS director David Edgar's 14 years of
service to the craft-brewing community.
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Women who drink beer have a better chance of matching their male
drinking buddies drink for drink, while those who have wine and
whisky get drunk more quickly than men, the New Scientist reports.
"The lesson is, if you have parties, you should have two separate
sizes of glasses, one for women and one for men," said Charles
Lieber, a pathologist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York.
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People with heart disease who consume moderate levels of alcohol
may have a lower risk of mortality after suffering a heart attack
than those who abstained from alcohol, according to a new study.
In the April 18 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association,
researchers report that moderate drinkers had a 32% lower risk
of dying from a heart attack than those who didn't drink alcohol.
Moderate drinkers were defined as people who drank at least 7
drinks a week (14 alcoholic beverages a week on average). Light
drinkers, or those who had fewer than seven drinks a week, had
a 21% lower risk. The findings were similar for both men and women.
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Men's Health reports that sipping on a highly carbonated beer
can settle a stomach just like Seven-Up or Sprite can. Plus, the
alcohol helps buffer pain. "I've never seen a true medical study
supporting this," says Larry L. Alexander, M.D., medical director
of Central Florida Regional Hospital's emergency department, "but
I have patients tell me it works. The only time you have to be
careful is if you have an ulcer or gastritis. Alcohol can inflame
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A British student claims her breasts went up three cup sizes
after she started drinking pints of beer instead of wine. Helen
Birtwhistle says she started drinking three pints a night because
she could not afford bottles of red wine. The 21-year-old Manchester
University student says she went from a 34B bust to 36DD within
weeks, but did not put on weight.
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Roger Briess of Briess Malting, who died April 25, was
not a tall man but he cast a long shadow. That was evident in
the days following his death as those in the craft brewing family
-- many of whom had enjoyed his hospitality less than a month
before at the Craft Brewers Conference in Portland, Ore. -- reacted
to the news.
- Michael Jackson, the world's best-known writer on beer:
"In the early days of the micro-brewery movement, its protagonists
and supporters were a mixed bunch: Schoolteachers, actors, a swimming
coach, hippies, rich kids, vaguely foreign types such as myself.
We must have seemed an unlikely crowd to people who had given
their lifetime to the formal disciplines of mainstream brewing.
We were at best ignoring, if not rejecting, the beers they made.
We talked often of British and, much stranger, Belgian styles;
but rarely of the American-German tradition. Despite all that,
some people from the mainstream industry began to appear at our
events. The most constant was Roger Briess.
"Some might argue that he appeared out of self-interest. Certainly,
he wanted to sell his malt to micro-brewers, and where would they
have been without him? They hardly offered Roger a crock of gold.
He went to some trouble to supply extremely small quantities and
meet the demands of brewers using far more complex grain bills
than the giants. Given the precariousness of the micro-brewing
"industry", and the slenderness of its business knowledge, he
probably had more than his share of slow payers and bad debts.
"The early micro-brewers were an unruly lot, but they truly loved
beer. I believe that passion was what really engaged Roger. Quietly,
he gave of his knowledge and support. He very successfully encouraged
others from the mainstream brewing industry to help the micro-brewers.
He was a comrade to anyone who loved beer, and his friendship
was shown in an easy, quiet, unshowy, way.
"He was also a friend to children in the Third World, through
the charity for which he campaigned. Late at night, after a long
day, what was he discussing over a beer in the bar? Not necessarily
sport, or jokes, or whatever beer-drinkers are thought to talk
about in such situations. Again quietly, he spoke on behalf of
those children.
"A generous, caring, warm, human being has been lost to us, inexplicably,
before his time. A day after his death, I was writing about a
brewery, and consulted the notes I had taken on my visit. 'Malts
from Briess,' my notebook revealed. This will happen time and
again. I shall be saddened by these constant reminders of Roger,
but such continuing appearances will remind me of his example."
- Charlie Papazian, Association of Brewers:
"For those of you who have been around the Association of Brewers
for a while you know what a friend (Roger) has been to the community
that is the Association of Brewers and the beer community over
the years. Singularly, Roger was one of very few professional
individuals who in 1982 attended and participated in one of the
first American Homebrewers Association National Conferences here
in Boulder, Colorado. That's when I first met Roger after he had
telephoned with great excitement about wanting to be involved
in contributing to the cause of better beer.
"Roger's continued participation as a speaker, as a homebrew
judge and as a mentor in those early years was undoubtedly paramount
in bridging the chasm between professional and amateur craft brewing
technology. There is no doubt in my mind that his participation
through the years as an advisor, supporter, mentor to the Association
of Brewers and all of its activities was critical in establishing
the dialogues of communication that eventually led to accessibility
of quality beer and brewing information to the entire craft and
homebrewing community.
"Roger was a pioneer whose frontiers were integrity and quality
brewing. His legacy will be the many bridges he built throughout
his life, connecting good people with good causes and good information.
He wasn't afraid to be different. He wasn't afraid to take professional
risks in his pursuit of improving the quality in all of our lives
as brewers and people involved in the brewing community.
"I feel very special in that I counted Roger as one of my best
friends. Losing him will be felt not only in the brewing world,
but in many other personal worlds he contributed so much to. I'll
never forget him every time I enjoy a glass of quality American
made beer." (From the IBS Brewers Forum)
- Fred Eckhardt, the dean of American beer writers:
"It is sad hearing of Roger Briess passing. I have known him for
at least sixteen years, maybe longer. He was always upbeat and
easy to talk to. I spoke with him at the Portland Craft Brewer's
conference earlier this month, joking about his long-time support
of lager beer production (in the early days he would always ask
me "why don't any of these brewers brew lager beers?"). His answer
was that ale brewers are missing much of the good life. However,
he was always supportive to this industry and its supporters."
- Pete Slosberg, founder Pete's Wicked Ales:
"Roger, I miss you already! You have been a friend and an associate
for well over a decade and want to thank you for being such a
vocal advocate for our industry segment. Ever the voice of reason
and desirous of our working together, you deserve a lot of praise
from the Craft Beer segment. On a personal level, it was great
when you called me or I called you just to check up on how things
were. You even had a talent for remotely knowing my mood. Just
when I may have had some down times, a package of triple dipped
malted milk balls would arrive in the mail. Thanks! I'll always
remember you."
- Fritz Maytag, Anchor Brewing:
"I remember Roger early on when no one was interested in supplying
malt to (the craft beer) industry. He was making specialty malt
with consistency. I visited his malting facility in Chilton, Wisconsin
and was impressed with his innovations in roasting malt. He will
be missed." (From BEERWeek)
- Mark Silva, RealBeer.com:
"One of Roger's last public speaking engagements that I had the
privilege of attending was during a gathering of state guilds,
attempting to organize a national awareness campaign for the category.
Roger spoke passionately about the many points in which the brewers
touch consumers lives, encouraged a quality message to match the
product and reflected on the history of the category to unite
behind the right causes. American Beer Month was born out of that
meeting, thanks to the uncompromising support and vision of pioneers
like Roger. Each July I'll include a toast to Roger in my celebration
of better beer."