RBPMail 3.09, September 1997
Real Beer Page Mail (RBPMail) began as a modest update to craft-brew events on the WWW. It evolved into a news digest and sometimes editorial forum. We present its contents here much as they were emailed to subscribers. Often, links you will see are out of date, and businesses referred to may also be long gone.
In this issue:
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For over seven months we've been co-publishing BEERWeek with
The Celebrator Beer News. This valuable industry news digest is
delivered every week with a compilation of digested breaking news,
new product releases, events, openings and closings along with many
novel reports and reporting found exclusively in BEERWeek. This is
the final edition of three months of global headline articles presented
from BEERWeek in RBPMail, sort of like an extended cable channel
preview weekend. If beer is your avocation or profession, this is the
resource for you. To clarify, RBPMail is the FREE news digest mailed
monthly; BEERWeek is supported entirely by your paid subscription
and -- as the name implies -- never misses a Monday. Read
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Labatt Brewing Co. Ltd., based in Toronto, Canada and Lowenbrau AG,
Munich, Germany, announced August 18 an agreement for the production,
importation and marketing of Lowenbrau beers in North America. The new
agreement will go into effect in two years in the U.S. after the conclusion of
the current agreement with Miller Brewing Co. The beer will be brewed in
accordance with Lowenbrau's "genuine" Munich recipe versus the current
Miller interpretation.
Molson Breweries has just received approval for a new beer ad that shows
two women kissing romantically. According to a report in the August 14
Toronto Globe and Mail newspaper, the Molson Dry ad was originally
rejected by the Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario because it insinuated that
beer was a key to "sexual success." After a re-edit by Molson, the ad has
now been approved and the Globe says that it "is believed to be the first
prime-time TV commercial to use homosexual imagery openly." The
commercial has not yet aired and there is no indication when it will debut.
(courtesy Stephen Beaumont, World of Beer/Celebrator Beer News).
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Shelton Broers, importers of Cantillon Belgian beers, have finally
succeeded in getting approval from the BATF for their Rose de Gambrinus
and Gueuze Lambic labels. The labels had been rejected for use in the U.S
for years because they showed nudity. The Rose de Gambrinus label,
originally created by Belgian artist Raymond Coumans, features a
watercolor impression of a nude woman sitting on the lap of Gambrinus,
the mythic King of Beer. The previous distributor had tried to persuade the
artist to clothe the woman in a bikini; Coumans retaliated by clothing her in
a long blue dress, commenting, "... underneath her blue dress the girl is ...
STARK NAKED." The Gueuze Lambic label features the famed Manneken-
Pis, the centerpiece of a fountain located in the center of Brussels. The
BATF changed their position because it became convinced that the labels are
indeed works of art.
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Wendy Littlefield and Don Feinberg were inducted into the Belgian Brewers
Guild on July 2 in Brussels, Belgium, and are now Chevaleries du
Fourquet des Brasseurs. The couple, owners of Belgian beer importers
Vanberg & DeWulf were the first Americans, and the only couple, to be so
honored. Wendy Littlefield is one of only three women to be admitted to the
Guild. The induction took place on Belgium's "Beer Day," and the
ceremony itself took about six hours, including a procession, a mass
(dedicated to St. Arnould, patron saint of brewers), a concert, a parade of
vintage beer wagons, an aerialist who walked a tight rope across the
Grand'Place, stopping to drink a beer at midpoint, the swearing in itself,
and a feast.
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A Coors spokesperson confirmed that the company is divesting Unibev as
an independent entity and bringing the Killian and Blue Moon brands under
their corporate marketing umbrella. Laurie Ciesielski assured BEERWeek
that the move does not affect brand spending, resources or commitment,
rather it represents a realignment of efforts towards core marketing and sales
resources. The former Unibev products will be incorporated into the
existing Coors marketing structures, ultimately reporting to Bill Weintraub,
Senior Vice President of Marketing.
American cider producers won a significant tax break in legislation recently
passed and signed into law. Currently, cider from large producers is taxed
at a rate comparable to luxury drinks like champagne although it has half the
alcoholic content. Ciders are, however, most often marketed alongside
craft-brewed beers in quality taverns and alehouses. The bill gives relief to
apple growers and cider producers by reducing the federal excise tax from
$1.07 per gallon to 22.6 cents per gallon -- the same rate as microbrewed
beer. BeerWeek contacted a few cider producers for reaction and found
universal delight with the tax rollback. Widmer Bros. Brewery in Portland,
OR is barely three months into production of their own line of ciders. Kurt
Widmer reported that the new tax relief won't kick in until they produce
over 151,000 gallons (nearly 4900 barrels) and that the major tax break
takes place for production over 250,000 gallons. "This helps Widmer
starting next year," Widmer said, noting that competition is both from
domestic producers and from imports.
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********** WEB WATCH **********
The following resources on the Web can prepare you to attend the Great
American Beer Festival in person or in cyberspace:
The 16th annual Great American Beer Festival (GABF) will present a
record-setting 400 breweries pouring more than 1,700 beers during the
three-day salute to brewing's best from Oct. 2 through 4 at Denver's
Currigan Exhibition Hall. More than 30,000 beer lovers from around the
world are expected for the festivities. In addition to more beers being
served, more beers are also being judged in the 1997 competition than ever
before. The GABF's Professional Panel Blind Tasting has been expanded
to 50 different style categories (37 categories were judged in 1996). The
Members-Only Tasting, held exclusively for members of the American
Homebrewers Association (AHA) and Institute for Brewing Studies (IBS),
will be Thursday, Oct. 2 from 4:30 to 10 p.m. Since the Blind Tasting
Awards Ceremony will run from 6:30 to 8 p.m on Thursday, AHA and IBS
members will be first to sample this year's medal winning beers. The public
sessions are scheduled for Friday and Saturday nights from 5:30 to 10. An
extra public session has been added on Saturday afternoon from 12:30 to
4:30 as well. General Admission tickets are $28 in advance or $30 at the
door. For more information or to order tickets, call the 24-hour GABF
hotline at (303) 447-0126 or hit:
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As you prepare to head out to Denver, catch last year's Blind Pannel
winners online at the following addresses:
SLO Brewing Co., San Louis Obispo, CA, Brickhouse Extra Pale Ale,
Classic English-Style Pale Ale - Bronze
20 Tank Brewery, San Francisco, CA, Heart of Darkness XXX Stout, Dry
Stouts - Bronze
20 Tank Brewery, San Francisco, CA, Kinnikinick Old Scout Stout,
Specialty Stouts - Gold
Little Apple Brewing Co., Manhattan, KS, Big 12 Barleywine, Barley
Wine - Gold
Celis Brewery Inc., Austin, TX, Celis Grand Cru, Belgian-Style Ales -
Baltimore Brewing Co., Baltimore, MD, DeGroen's Pils, European-Style
Pilsener - Gold
Redwood Coast Brewing Co., Mt. View, CA, New World Wheat,
American Wheat Ale or Lager - Silver
Rogue Ales, Newport, OR, Smoke, Smoke-Flavored Beers - Gold
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Do your own blind tastings and compare your experience with some folks
who have spent considerable time and effort tasting beers and articulating
their experience.
Richard Steuvens
Dave Brockington
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************* REAL BEER PICKS *********************
Our website pick of the month is chock full of fun surprises. Not some
crazy, bleeding-edge java applet or shockwave game. Just great, honest,
no-holds-barred, fun-lovin' show and tell-it-like-it-is. These folks love
what they do and where they are. Click on "find us on the map" and you'll
soon realize it's just another excuse to spin some stories. Meet their brown
dog and send pictures of your own brown dogs. This is not just a contest
marketing gimmick. They REALLY want to meet your dog and share Olive
with you. They love brown dogs. And you have to read about the famous
Murderous past of Smutty Nose Island. It's a refreshing change from the
cookie-cutter-come-back-in-three-weeks-and-it's-the-same brand website.
By the way, if the site doesn't change every couple of weeks, get on them
about it. 'Bet you'll get a real-life reply. Enjoy the Smuttynose site at:
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A brewpub and newly installed micro base outside of Cleveland, OH
telegraphs "sequel" louder than an action-hero summer blockbuster. The
Aussie accent in the copy is thicker than a Foster's Beer commercial and the
mascot "Wally" looks headed for franchise and/or multi-unit destiny. The
website is still under construction, but it's one to book mark and hop
around again soon. Ohio residents can also learn how to purchase common
stock at the rate of $5/share:
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Big oops on last month's Real Beer Picks write up of the Horse Brass Pub,
"a bit of England, where good companionship is the order of the day." Not
on the selection, but in the misenom publican, Don Younger. A small batch
of RBPMails sent out last month had him running his operations under a
different name (and we're not referring to any of the expletives he's used to
hearing). Boy, did he give us hell... In all seriousness, Don is one of our
favorite industry visionaries; the Horse Brass is one of the best beer bars in
the world and we apologize for the faux pas. Let's all make it up to him and
hit his site like crazy today at:
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We've heard the pleas for help from the spouses of those downloading the
devilishly addictive BeerManager game. Sorry. The first four years are
Thanks to all who have been replying to our Quickie Surveys. We draw one
winner each month for the prize of Michael Jackson's The Great Beers of
Belgium distributed by Vanberg & DeWulf (http://www.BelgianExperts.com).
Due to some technical difficulties last month's results are unavailable.
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*********** Brewed Fresh For You! **************
The Real Beer Page announces a diverse group of brew websites to
check out:
BrewBus! http://www.brewbus.com
Brews Cruise http://www.oldenberg.com
Elk Grove http://www.elkgrovebrewing.com
Golden Gate http://www.goldengatepark.com
Hales Ales http://www.halesales.com
Lucky's Teeth http://labattblue.com/Lucky/
Molokai Brewing http://www.MolokaiBrewing.com
ProBrewer http://www.probrewer.com
Shadow Mtn http://www.shadowmountain.com
Toronto Beer Fest http://realbeer.com/torfestbeer/
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According to the August/September edition of Southern Draft Brew News,
legislators nullified a 24-year-old statewide restriction on beer bottle sizes
by passing a law allowing beer containers of any size. House Bill 1023,
sponsored by Rep. Frank Buck, D-District 40, sailed through the House
and Senate in just three days. Although Gov. Don Sundquist refused to sign
it, he didn't veto it but allowed it to become law without his signature. It
went into effect June 24. After many discussions and much political
wrangling, the powerful Tennessee Malt Beverage Association came out
against the new law, but craft beer enthusiasts statewide are celebrating the
prospect that they may soon be enjoying a wide variety of European and
American beers that until now were prohibited.
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Pale Rider Ale, is a new beer brewed under contract by Celis Brewing, Co.
in Austin, TX for movie star/director Clint Eastwood. When BEERWeek
talked to the manager at Hogs Breath Inn, owned by Eastwood, in Carmel,
CA, she reported that customers had completely consumed the first batch of
their new beer in two days. According to a Celis representative, Eastwood
has taken a hands-on approach to his new beer, involving himself with the
development of the flavor profile and participating in tasting sessions to
determine the final recipe. Pale Rider is described as smooth and complex,
brewed with five different hops and two pale malts and caramel malts.
Initially, it will be available in the Monterey Bay area. Proceeds from the
beer's sales will be donated to Eastwood's favorite charities around
Monterey County, including Carmel Youth Center and the Monterey
Peninsula Boys & Girls Club. Celis is one of three breweries that operate as
part of Miller Brewing's American Specialty & Craft Beer Company.
Owner/founder Pierre Celis moved from Belgium to Texas to live in the
American West.
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Anheuser-Busch Co. increased its advertising costs by 13.7% from the first
quarter 1996 to first quarter 1997. The company spent $72,498,100 in Q1
'97, and $63,750,800 in Q1 '96. Philip Morris (Miller Brewing, Red Dog,
Molson's) was second in absolute expenditures, but its ad costs increased
16.9%. Heineken, spending $3,102,800 in Q1 '97, compared to $160,800
in Q1 '96, increased its ad expenditures a mammoth 1,829.6%. (Reported
by Competitive Media Reporting, July 29, 1997)
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The Federal Trade Commission has begun investigating two beer marketers
who advertised in college newspapers, Boston Beer Company and Portland
Brewing. Judy Riedl, general manager at the University of Oregon's
Oregon Daily Emerald in Eugene, OR, stated that they had "run beer ads in
the past and, yes, we would run them again. There's no law against that."
Riedl added that the average age of the Emerald's readers was 21, and that
the readership included more than just students, but faculty and staff
members as well. She also stated that the school had run ads in the past for
restaurants and bars and clubs where beer is served, without any problem.
The editor of the University of California's Daily Bruin in Los Angeles,
Edina Lekovic stated that they have no policy against running ads for beer,
and that "I don't believe the ads are aimed at underage drinkers." When
contacted by Ad Age, an FTC spokesman said that FTC chairman Robert
Pitofsky has "said publicly he is concerned about alcohol advertising that
either by its placement or content is being directed at underage audiences."
Boston Beer Company's Jim Koch told Ad Age that it was not the policy of
the brewery to advertise in college newspapers. The company's subsidiary
Oregon Beer & Ale Company placed ads in the fall of 1996, but that was
not done as part of the company's basic policy. The other brewery contacted
by the FTC, Portland Brewing Company, Portland, OR, had budgeted
$400,000 for 1997 on a print campaign to run in alternative weeklies and
more than a dozen campus newspapers in California, Colorado, Oregon and
Washington. Upon being contacted by Ad Age, Portland's marketing
director Michael Kiriazis stated that the company was cooperating with the
FTC investigation. (Sources: James B. Arndorfer, Advertising Age, August
18 and additional reporting by BEERWeek staff).
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The wind-up on this editorial may be slow, but the pitch delivered at the end
is an entreaty for you to invest the time to become informed about the
discourse being pushed through mainstream media that threatens your
responsible consumer rights. We'll recommend you do so by reading and
communicating with a lone, critical advocate on the web for balanced
reporting in the face of neoprohibition forces that wish to steal the livelihood
from the beer producers.
This editorial was inspired by correspondence with a fellow online beer
publisher. We started by discussing a promotion by Anhueser-Busch that
marries hunting enthusiasm and safety with brand Point Of Sale
communications. Our colleague had asked, "Am I overreacting to a
perceived problem, or do beer promotions like this add fuel to
neoprohibitionist bonfires?" It's a good question, but part of a broader issue
in response to the "New Temperance Movement."
We believe that focussing on A-B cross-hair/index promotion amounts to
barking up the wrong tree. This promotion is a no-brainer for A-B to
harvest some of the goodwill they've created through years of sponsorship.
And it doesn't hurt A-B's synergies and credibility with the audience that
the big cheese, Augie IV, is a hunting enthusiast.
So, per the question, this is not overreacting. Simply reacting. Which is the
central problem in our analysis. If we overthink to avoidance the support of
an audience that makes sense, we've already lost the battle. If we react to
the straw-dogs produced by the opposition, then they control the debate.
We need to be loudly dismissive about their response to responsible
industry messages.
We need to be proactive in this area rather than reactive. The integration of
the beverage into all occasions is a great weapon against the prohibitionist.
Compare the U.S. view of alcohol versus the European view and imagine
their uproar from consumers should anyone suggest a complete prohibition
the likes we had in the 20s.
As beer press, consumer advocates and conscientious consumers, we have
a duty to exercise our influence on the debate so that anti-alcohol salvos
from the mass media do not vilify beer, beer producers or beer consumption
and so that these messages do not insinuate themselves into the culture from
their tireless and unquestioned presentation in mass media. Our approach:
whenever PRODUCT or PRODUCER are targeted, we raise flags. IMHO,
the issues should be alcoholism, treatment and abuse -- prevention to the
greater population does nothing to address these issues or abate use from
the smaller, problem group.
Case in point on unchecked media reports: two months ago, when the
"Center for Media Education" launched its attack on Web advertising by
alcohol producers (see
"The Internet has become a new tool for the alcohol industry, the Wall
Street Journal reported March 7. According to the Center for Media
Education underage drinkers are the target of an aggressive campaign, with
more than 35 brands of beer and liquor posted on the Web. In releasing the
results of a new study, the Center for Media Education said young people
are enticed by the Web sites because 14 liquor companies and 10 major
breweries have chosen to promote their products with 'a heady blend of
humor, hip language, interactive games, and contests.'"
Critical Reading: 1. they use of WSJ's name to legitimize a press release
picked up from CME and call it "reporting;" 2. "aggressive campaign
because 35 brands post in medium?" there are hundreds of brands and they
use all media to communicate with their consumers; 3. "new tool?" -- we've
been putting brands on the Web for over four years; 4. calls CME's agenda
a "study;" 5. and since when do "heady" blends of humor, hip language,
interactive games and contests become the domain of the underage? But
many mainstream and a few beer news sources picked up this information
without removing the slant and asking the critical question: should this even
be reported? Is there legitimacy to the "study?"
We should have been calling foul on this report rather than passing it on or
letting it go unchecked in the mainstream. We email our reproaches to
shows when they report this information inaccurately or simply
inappropriately -- almost all media have email now. We invite all readers to
join us in protesting and informing by email.
One of the most effective ways we can combat false claims as beer press
and "beerigencia" is to become more informed about the weak links in the
New Temperance Movement's armor. Much of the movement's ammunition
has devolved within government-funded organizations from self-
perpetuating bureaucracies and speaks specifically to elites -- academics,
research institutions, policy-makers, etc. There are many sites dedicated to
the thoughtful propagation of the neo-prohibition message (see samples
below) that we should study. There is only one so far that we've seen to
present the balanced, critical response. It's called the RANES Report and is
produced by Ron Roizen in Berkeley, CA who came from the research
institution from which many alumni have graduated to become leading
proponents of anti-alcohol policy and thought. Ron did not come to the
same conclusions as some of these colleagues, and he reports this on his
new web site at:
http://tap.epn.org/cme/ (note use of bright colors, cartoon illustration and animations!)
Look to see and hear more from Roizen in this area in the future. For the
moment, however, take the time and thought it requires to review each issue
of the RANES Report so you can be informed when faced with suspicious
data and presentations against your right to enjoy a real beer.