RBPMail 4.08, August 1998
Real Beer Page Mail (RBPMail) began as a modest update to craft-brew events on the WWW. It evolved into a news digest and sometimes editorial forum. We present its contents here much as they were emailed to subscribers. Often, links you will see are out of date, and businesses referred to may also be long gone.
In this issue:
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Bass Beers Worldwide and Guinness Import Co., the U.S. importer of Bass
Ale, have announced a limited recall of approximately 7,000 cases of 12-
oz. The affected product was isolated to sales to wholesalers in the New
York and Los Angeles metropolitan areas with a small number in six other
states. The limited recall is the result of an intermittent fault in a
cooling process at the Cape Hill brewery in England leading to the
possibility that product might contain traces of a chemical coolant. Bass
has isolated the incident to one production line at the brewery and has
replaced it. Food-grade propylene glycol is generally recognized as safe
by the Food and Drug Administration, but it can cause an unpleasant taste
in beer. Bass' toll-free information line: 877-614-1379.
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Norway's largest beverage company, Orkla ASA, announced that its beer unit
will invest approximately $26.4 million (200 million Norwegian kroner) to
build and modernize production facilities near Oslo, the nation's capital.
Ringnes AS, a unit of Orkla, will build a new plant near its largest
production plant in Gjelleraasen. The company will also modernize its beer
and soda bottling plant. Ninety employees will be laid off when the plant
is modernized. Orkla ASA businesses include chemicals and investments,
food products and branded goods.
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Ghana's stock index rose last week, with Guinness Ghana Ltd. in the lead,
following the announcement of plans to build a new plant. The brewery, the
nation's largest, is building the $17 million facility -- to be completed
by the end of 1999 -- to meet increasing consumer demand and to stay No. 1
in the market. Currently, Guinness Ghana controls about 38% of Ghana's
domestic beer market. Ghana has a population of 18 million. Also in Ghana,
Heineken NV will merge its two Ghanaian brewing subsidiaries, Kumasi
Brewery Ltd. and Achimota Brewery Co. KBL is the nation's third largest
brewery, while ABC is fourth largest. Their combined market share is 40%,
and together the breweries cover both the north and south. Ghana's second
largest brewer, Accra Brewery Ltd., is majority-owned by South African
Breweries Ltd.
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Japan's second largest brewer, Asahi Breweries Ltd., will use microchips
to monitor product freshness in all its beer barrels. The brewery has
already begun to use the chips in 200,000 of its barrels, and plans to
have all 2.4 million barrels so equipped by 2002. The chips track the
expiration dates of the barrels' rubber and metal parts and delivery
dates. The first batch of data is due to be gathered from the 200,000
barrels in July.
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The directors of Morrells Brewery Limited, Oxford, England, have announced
that they will sell the business and company assets, following a strategic
review of the business by the Board of Directors and Pricewaterhouse
Coopers. The sale will include the St. Thomas Street Brewery, 132 tenanted
pubs and the free trade business. In Michael Jackson's Pocket Guide to
Beer, Morrells is listed as being known for its best bitter, Varsity, and
College Ale, a strong winter beer.
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While U.K. cider sales have grown consistently over the last 50 years,
including doubling in the last ten years, an increase in the number of
brands has hurt many of its producers. H.P. Bulmer Holdings Plc, the UK's
largest cider maker, and Merrydown Plc, the third largest, reported
serious declines in their profits. Bulmer, which produces Strongbow,
reported a 27.1% drop in fiscal 1998 earnings. Merrydown reported fiscal
1998 earnings falling from 3.92 pence per share in 1997 to a loss of 29.78
pence per share in 1998. Bulmer plans to close two of its manufacturing
entities, while Merrydown will cut its drink lines to two, Merrydown and
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Foster's Brewing Group Ltd. (Australia) announced a $490 million
(Australian) profit after selling its half share in Canada's Molson
Breweries. The brewery sold its share to Molson for $1 billion Canadian
($679.4 million U.S.), so Molson now has 100% and full management control
of its breweries. Molson will also buy Foster's interest in the Coors
Canada partnership, which was 24.95%. Molson's interest share will then be
49.9%. Molson's and Foster's will remain together in the Molson USA joint
venture with Miller Brewing, which markets and distributes both companies'
products in the U.S., and Molson will still be the licensee of Foster's
brand sold in Canada. While Molson's newly incurred debt is viewed as
huge, the consensus of analysts was that the brewer's decision to take
more control of its core business, brewing, and be all-Canadian-owned
again offset any negatives.
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Labatt Brewing Co. and Anheuser-Busch have restructured their 18-year
working alliance. The new arrangement grants Labatt the right to A-B
brands (Bud and Bud Light) in Canada "in perpetuity." In return, Labatt
will increase its marketing support behind the two brands to give A-B a
larger share of the profits. Anheuser-Busch will continue to oversee
Labatt's brewing and marketing of those brands in Canada. The two brewers
were the first to establish a licensed brewing relationship between a
Canadian and U.S. brewer.
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Sleeman Brewing & Malting Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sleeman Breweries
Ltd., announced on June 29 that it had concluded an agreement to purchase
La Brasserie Seigneuriale Inc. in Boucherville. Sleeman has also launched
a successful cash and share bid for Upper Canada Brewing Co. Ltd. and
recently acquired Okanagan Spring Brewery. Seigneuriale has access to
market expansion capability, increased sales and marketing support, while
Sleeman adds the Seigneuriale Belgian-style beers to its portfolio.
Seigneuriale's beers include Seigneuriale, Seigneuriale Blonde,
Seigneuriale Triple and Seigneuriale Reserve.
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Poland's government has indicated it will sell its last state-owned
brewery, Browary Gornoslaskie SA. Poland's daily Rzeczpospolita stated
that the government wants to sell a total stake of 83% of the brewery to a
future investor, with the balance of the shares owned by the employees of
the brewery. While Polish beer production rose 20.3 in the first four
months of 1998 over same period 1997, Browary Gornolaski showed declining
sales and increasing production costs.
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Venezuela's largest brewer, Cerveceria Polar, has been losing ground to
two other brewers. In April of this year, Polar had 66% of the market,
down from 88% at the beginning of the year. The Cisneros Group's Regional
brewer was next, with 17% of the market, and Brazil's Cervejeria Brahma
Venezuelan unit was third with 10% of the market. In addition, where
industry officials had projected 7% growth this year, growth for 1999 is
projected at 1%.
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A record 17% drop in beer sales in the first six months of the year was
felt by the South Korean beer industry. As the country's recession
continues to worsen, consumers are cutting back on spending. In first half
1998, sales at Oriental Brewery Co. dropped 26.5%, Jinro Coors sales
dropped 21.7%, and the country's largest brewer, Hite Brewery, sold 4.8%
less beer.
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Worldwide alcohol consumption has been in decline while Japan's intake has
been rising steadily, as reported by the country's Health and Welfare
Ministry. The per capita average alcohol consumption for Japanese is
close to the United States, which is 1.74 gallons a year per person. In
Japan about half of the population lacks an enzyme that breaks down
alcohol in the body, and liver damage is much greater. Other factors
contributing to concern are the Japanese social attitude towards drinking
to excess, minimal interest in temperance or treating alcohol dependency,
and drinking glamorization throughout Japanese media. Also, as a balance
to Japan's tightly organized social structure, alcohol is often seen as a
way to take a break from society's rigid rules of hierarchy and considered
essential to forging business relationships.
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Sverdrup, Sweden's second-largest brewer and Hartwall Oyj, Finland's
largest drinks company both state that sales in June fell 10% from same
period last year. In some parts of Sweden, rainfall was double the norm,
in some parts, three times the normal amount, and in some parts, the month
was one of the coldest Junes in the century. Scandinavian breweries tend
to make their money only in the second and third quarters of the year, so
this year's drop in sales in these quarters has a dramatic impact. (In
1997, when Sweden had one of its hottest summers in the century;
Sverdrup's profits increased fourfold.)
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J. Boag & Son Ltd. won several awards include "Best Beer" and for
operating Australia's Best Brewery. The brewery, founded in 1881, was
reported to be the first Australian brewer to take the top award in the
annual International Australian Beer Awards. This unprecedented award is
likely to stimulate sales in the UK and US beer markets, according to the
Tasmanian based brewery.
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Real Beer has three immediate opportunities for professionals based in San
Francisco. If you know someone or are interested in these positions, please
respond to the appropriate email address below.
Account Executive/Customer Service Representative
Requires knowledge of branding, communications and design services, ability
to managed large client base ranging from small customers to international
brands, and an affinity for the beer business. Communications agency or
client background, 2+ years' related experience and a college degree a must.
For a full job description, send e mailto:[email protected]
To apply, send resumes by e mailto:[email protected]
Sales Positions I & II
Requires 2+ year sales experience in new media design and advertising
sales. Incredible opportunities for the right people.
For a full job description, send e mailto:[email protected]
To apply, send resumes by e mailto:[email protected]
We're living Internet life over here, so we offer a fast paced, casual,
results-oriented, close work environment. A sense of humor and appreciation
for the good things in life (like beer) are required. Salary will be
commensurate with experience. Some opportunity for equity exists. We are
committed to diversity in the workplace and encourage response from all
qualified applicants. The position will be based in San Francisco and no
relocation is provided. Principals and email responses only, please. No
headhunters or phone calls will be accepted. Real Beer, Inc., 2339 Third
Street, Suite 23, S.F., CA 94107.
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BEERWeek's back issues are available online and searchable by date.
Because the publication is supported by paid subscriptions for those
interested in timely news digests, there is a three-month delay for
release of each issue. For quick research and reference, this is a
phenomenal new resource.
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A new web-based summer promotion brings together daily random drawings and
a fun -- often hotly debated -- query of the most revolutionary people,
places, movements and things. Live the revolution by joining "The Quest
for the Revolutionary Best" contest online. The program ends Aug. 31, and
each day you participate earns you another chance for the grand-prize
drawing. So, who was the most revolutionary musician of all time? Cast
your vote at:
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Check out the latest postings from Stephen Beaumont, heavy into the dog
days of summer, but still delivering erudite observations on the beer
scene from up North.
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If you're in Northern California or ready to travel to pleasant climate
and brews, check out the California Small Brewers festival this year. With
a great selection of microbrews to enjoy, live music and food, and the
proceeds going to well-deserving charities, this is an event worth your
Saturday afternoon. Taking place in Mountain View, the event is put on by
the Brewers Community Service organization.
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Aces are wild! Cider is the sweeter sister of beer and a long time
traditional favorite in ye olde English pub. The California Cider Co.
portfolio contains Honey, Pear and traditional Apple Ciders made from
local, fresh apple juice. The freshness of their products set the Ace
Cider brands apart from others in the market - see for yourself at:
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Elysian Brewing Co. is a funky brewpub in the heart of Seattle's Capitol
Hill area, built in an old Packard dealership - creating a huge airy space
full of comfortable couches and inspired local art to gaze on while you
enjoy one of the Elysian beers. The website contains articles by the
brewer, Dick Cantwell, as well as menu, beers on tap (didya know that they
may have the world's only suspension taps in a brewpub?), and events at
the pub. This place is fast becoming a neighborhood nexus, so get yourself
over to 1221 East Pike Street next time you are in Seattle. The website is
equally funky, and worth the trip:
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Grain Millers is the premium source of specialty grain products in the US.
Grain Millers, Inc., boast plants in St. Ansgar, Iowa, as well as Eugene,
Oregon. Of interest to craft brewers is their exclusive import of
Malteries Franco-Belges malts. A page of glowing testimonials from
brewers and detailed information on MFB malts and Grain Millers products
make this site a must-see resource for brewers.
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No, not rabid dogs. These growlers are beautiful shaped 2-liter, amber
glass containers to buy beer-to-go at pubs. A thoroughly European
tradition that is now sweeping the US, Growlers Online lets you place an
online order for your Growlers to fill up at your nearest brewpub or
simply show off to your friends at your next keg party. Growlers Online
sells to businesses, and individuals.
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Homebrew Adventures is a homebrew supply store located in Charlotte, N.C.
The wealth of gadgets and information available on their site and in
their real-world location is awe inspiring. With wine, beer, and vinegar-
making equipment; reference materials; liquer and soda extracts, they sell
everything you need to turn your home into a beverage emporium. All manner
of books, accessories and recipes are available for the aspiring or
experienced homebrewer or winemaker.
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North Coast Brewing Co. is the home of such widely distributed favorites
as Scrimshaw Pilsener, Red Seal Ale, Pranqster (special no-prize for
spotting the brewer on the package) and Old Rasputin Russian Imperial
Stout. The brewpub is located in scenic Fort Bragg in Northern California,
but you can find out where to get the beers, as well as read up on the
history of the brands and the brewery. In particular, North Coast has
revived one of California's favorite pieces of brewing history - Acme Pale
Ale. Find out more information on this award winning brewery - check out:
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Northwestern is an 80-year old company that started as a brewery supply
house to the numerous breweries in the upper Midwest. Northwestern also
produces packaging malt syrup, dried malt extract, and hops for the
homebrewing market. A complete list of product offerings for the
commercial and homebrewer is available at:
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Phoenix Cigar Co. is a cigar-lovers haven. Not only do they offer premium
quality imported cigars on their pages, they offer their own line of
carefully selected smokes for your discerning taste. The owners of this
enterprise are obviously dedicated to the art of the cigar; and they do
everything possible to communicate fantastic customer service and unique
products on the Internet. Stop by their customer comment page when you
swing by first thing. They update it monthly
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Formerly the Zymotechnic Institute, the Siebel Institute of Chicago, Ill.,
has been training those involved in the brewing trade since 1872. Their
courses have turned out the minds behind your favorite beers in the US and
worldwide. Immensely well respected in the beverage industry, Siebel
maintains a wide offering of courses designed to tutor in the time-honored
skill of brewing while confronting the challenges of a modern day
operation. See what they have to offer at:
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Sonoma Mountain Brewery, one of a new class of estate breweries, lives by
the motto "Great Hops Make Great Beer." Boasting their own hop vines,
brewhouse and mountain spring well, Sonoma Mountain take care and pride in
their product from start to finish. An Amber Lager and Pilsener are the
first products available at the brewery and throughout Northern California
at select restaurants. Visits to the brewery are encouraged - this ain't
just wine country!
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- The Real Beer Page announces a diverse group of brew websites
to check out:
- http://www.addabrewpub.com
- http://www.alaskanbeer.com
- http://www.americanwhitewater.com
- http://www.belgianbeer.com
- http://www.doublesprings.com
- http://www.fmbhops.com
- http://www.gooseisland.com
- http://www.jvnw.com
- http://members.aol.com/kegworks/kegworks.php
- http://www.labattblue.com
- http://www.magnoliapub.com
- http://www.morebeer.com
- http://www.pubgear.com
- http://www.mcs.net/~rdan/RAF.php
- http://www.schreiermalt.com
- http://www.traditionalbrewing.com
- http://www.uppercanada.com
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Thanks to all who have been replying to our Quickie Surveys. We draw one
winner each month for the prize of Michael Jackson's The Great Beers of
Belgium distributed by Vanberg & DeWulf (http://www.BelgianExperts.com),
importers of fine Belgian beers and now brewers of Belgian-style beer in
their Cooperstown-based Brewery Ommegang. Last month's winner was David J.
McCarty who answered 'once a month.'
Last month we asked you how often you received RBPMail.
The good news is that over 85% of you report receiving RBPMail monthly.
The bad news is that about 10% may not be getting it regularly. We'll look
into why this happens and try to reach the 100% mark. In the meantime, if
you ever miss a month, feel free to request a copy by sending
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Miller Brewing Company filed a $6.9 million breach-of-contract and
negligence lawsuit against creative and media ad agencies Bates USA and
Zenith Media Services, New York, during the week of June 15. The brewery
accused the agencies of not making good on local TV spots that did not
meet the rating goals established in 1995 and 1996. The money being sued
for is the estimated value of "make-good" ads, ads that are run free to
make up for ratings shortfalls. Zenith management claims that no
guarantees regarding local TV were made; both Zenith and Bates intend to
dispute the suit, according to the article. Miller is also suing Bates for
an additional near million dollars, claiming it was double-billed by the
agency. Miller dismissed both agencies in December 1996.
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A publishing firm in Atlanta, Ga., has purchased Southern Draft Brew News,
the South's oldest and largest brewspaper, according to a company press
release. Southern Draft was founded in 1993 in Orlando, Florida by Phil
and Sara Doersam. In 1996 it moved to the Southern hub city of Atlanta.
Earlier this year, the publication, which has covered the news of the
Southeast region since its inception, expanded to the Southwest. The
bimonthly publishing schedule for Southern Draft will remain the same with
the August/September edition due to appear in early August.
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A 14-year-old Little Leaguer in Lemont, Ill., refused to wear her team's
jersey because it bore the name of a local bar, according to newspaper
reports. Krystle Newquist's grandfather allegedly died from causes related
to alcoholism. When she showed up for the first game of the season in May,
she had used duct tape to cover the bar name. When league officials called
the girl for being out of uniform, she was suspended for the season for
refusing to wear the jersey with the name showing. She is appealing the
decision to her local school board, and raising the issue of whether teams
sponsored by bars can legally play on school property.
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The State of New Hampshire Liquor Commission is in the process of
implementing that state's landmark new direct shipment law. On July 1, the
new law expanding consumer choice became effective, and consumers may now
have shipped to them from a licensee outside of the state up to 60 bottles
of wine or spirits and up to 27 gallons of beer per year. Out-of-state
licensees must first obtain a $228 permit from the State of New Hampshire,
and will be responsible for the payment of an eight percent tax on all
products shipped into the state. Also in the law is an entirely new
concept designed to ensure that the state and local retailers can gain
access to popular brands as well. Upon reaching specified levels of
direct shipment into the state -- i.e., 100 cases of a specific wine or
spirits product -- a supplier-shipper must make available to the
Commission a like amount of product at wholesale before being able to ship
more. According to Commissioner Byrne, the state hopes to have the
regulations in place so that consumers may begin placing orders as early
as Sept. 1.
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The Boston Beer Company set a record for awards at this year's Australian
International Beer Awards held last week. The international competition
included 425 beers from 27 countries. Samuel Adams beers took three "Best
in Class" awards and an additional eight gold medals, 13 silvers and 5
bronze medals. The timing was extraordinary considering that the Boston
based brewery had just announced an agreement for distribution of its
products in Australia. The distributor chosen for Australia, J. Boag &
Son, won the top award for "Best Beer." The agreement includes a proviso
for J. Boag to brew Sam Adams Boston Lager under license at its Tasmania-
based brewery when certain volume thresholds are achieved.
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When the Price Waterhouse-Coopers & Lybrand merger became official July 1,
more than 1,500 company employees toasted the occasion with a signature
beverage made to order for their pool-side celebration -- "Merger Beer,"
created by the Bonaventure Brewing Co. of Los Angeles. Located in the
Westin Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, the Bonaventure Brewpub
brewed up the special ale just for the occasion.
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Brewery Ommegang, Cooperstown, N.Y., which opened this year, was blessed
by a Lutheran priest, Father Mack. Father Mack read the lessons, blessed
the brewery's statue of the patron saint of brewers, Saint Arnold, and the
brewery, its equipment and staff. The brewery specializes in Belgian-style
beers, and has released its first beers, Ommegang and Father Hennepin in
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Researchers at the University of California at San Francisco have turned
to the common fruit fly to learn more about humans' genetic-based reaction
to alcohol, according to a June 12 article in the Wall Street Journal by
Ralph T. King, Jr. The researchers are attempting to crack the genetic
causes of alcoholism. Drunken fruit flies behave like drunken humans, and
the same molecular mechanism seems to control their resistance to alcohol,
according to the article. The flies even get the hangovers and "shakes"
that sometimes go with alcohol dependency. Selective breeding led to the
least-resistant strain, and showed that the gene that is key in regulating
sensitivity to alcohol in human cells was lacking in these flies, known in
the study as "cheap dates." The project was begun five years ago, and is
funded by Ernest Gallo of E. & J. Gallo Winery. The research lab is called
the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center.
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Tempe, Ariz., microbrewery Seideman Brewing Company has been sold "lock,
stock and barrel," according to founder Russ Seideman, to Tim Gossack.
Gossack was formerly with Deschutes Brewery in Oregon. He will change the
brewery name to Rio Salado, which is what the beers themselves have been
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The third annual Real Ale Festival, planned Oct. 16-17 near Chicago will
feature a whole range of pub-theme entertainment and events in addition to
the largest collection of cask-conditioned ales anywhere outside of
Britain, with more than 100 beers available. Beer writer Michael Jackson
will preside over a preview tasting on Friday as well as a special seminar
on British ales on Saturday. Tickets for the tasting events go for $22 in
advance or $25 at the door and a full-weekend ticket that includes all
five RAF events is available for just $100 in advance. Nearby public
transportation is available for all who attend a special rate has been
arranged at the Wyndham Garden Hotel at 630-833-3600. Call (773) 665-1300
for more information. Or, go to:
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Tree Brewing Company, Kelowna, B.C., has launched its ad campaign with a
series of risque newspaper ads. The first ad, "Find the G Spot," got more
attention than the brewery expected. Beer sales for the month when the
campaign was launched were the brewery's best, the newspapers got calls
from readers looking for the G Spot, and the Liquor Board told the brewery
that they couldn't run the G Spot ad again. The brewery will continue to
run ads throughout the summer, with bar poster adaptations as well.
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Riverside Brewing of Riverside, Calif., and Heritage Brewing of Lake
Elsinore, CA have combined to form the West Coast Brewing Company. The new
operation, based in Riverside, will utilize Riverside Brewing's 50-barrel
brewing and bottling facility to produce beers for its' own labels and
contract clients. Riverside Brewing's brewpub is unaffected by this
merger. Heritage Brewing's facility in Lake Elsinore has been closed.
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Bethlehem Beer Works in Bethlehem, Pa., has changed its name to Bethlehem
Brew Works following receipt of a "Cease and Desist" letter from the
Slesar Brothers Brewing Co. The action was initiated to protect a national
trademark on the Beer Works name obtained by the Slesar Brothers in 1992
under which they operate the Boston Beer Works and Salem Beer Works
brewpubs. Ironically, when Boston Beer Works opened in the early 1990s it
faced a similar challenge from Boston Beer Co., brewer of Samuel Adams
beer, but successfully defended the write to use "Boston Beer" in its
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Canada's Big Rock Brewery Ltd. has teamed up with Pacific Salmon
Foundation to introduce a specialty beer in British Columbia. Purchasers
of Chinook Pale Ale will indirectly contribute to the restoration of
Pacific Salmon, as a portion of every purchase made will be donated to the
Pacific Salmon Foundation. PSF is a volunteer organization that works
with local communities to restore salmon stocks and habitat. Chinook Pale
Ale is available in British Columbia.
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Anchor Brewing Co. of San Francisco has just released a new beer. Small
Beer, bottled in 22-ounce bottles, a revival of a tradition begun in
England. A second batch of beer is brewed using the sparge "run-off" of
another, usually high-gravity beer. Anchor's Small Beer is made from its
famous barleywine, Old Foghorn. The "second batch" is a thinner, weaker
beer, compared to the original. Anchor owner Fritz Maytag describes the
company's development of Small Beer as having begun a few years ago, when
he began to research the history of the process. In doing so, he learned
that, in 3000 B.C. in ancient Sumeria, there was a brew referred to as the
"second washing beer." The final result is a rich mild ale that was "what
we wish a bitter would taste like today in England." The new Anchor Small
Beer is available in local markets in limited supply. Call the brewery for
additional information: 415-863-8350. (Source: The Celebrator Beer News)
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In the same week that saw the cloning of mice as a hot topic in news
reports, Internet users who signed on to the Dos Equis "Quest for the
Revolutionary Best" site proved that Americans have numerous concerns
about advances in cloning. Although the survey was a tongue-in-cheek poll
on the Mexican beer's web site, the subject of cloning struck an
unexpected chord with web users. In the unscientific poll, the No. 1
answer (20%) was "No one" when people were asked what person they would
like to see cloned. The second most popular response was "Myself," for
both humorous and much more serious reasons. One respondent talked about
needing an organ transplant, and suggested that cloning would be the best
way to get a perfect match. The cloning question was answered and debated
by 436 people. The Dos Equis' Quest for the Revolutionary Best contest --
a web-based promotion -- runs from July 20 until Aug. 31. The contest
polls consumers on the best examples of revolutionaries in entertainment,
fashion, history, music and sports.
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We got an email from a friend last week telling us that an executive we
knew had been found dead in his office. Suicide. Not even 50 years old.
Left behind a wife, two sons and a mother. And a whole lot of friends and
people he knew scratching their heads and wondering "WHY?"
WHY? We heard rumors the business was troubled. We've all heard stories
about the difficulty the business will face as it matures. But it's
nothing to kill yourself over. Literally or figuratively.
Me? I want to live to love another day. I want to smell and feel and savor
all my favorite vices or put them aside for new ones. I want stare into
shadows. I want to step barefooted on hot sand and make it across. I want
to stick it out to see the last act. It's weird sometimes, and some might
say a waste of madhouse time. But I'll take life with perhaps the naive
notion that you have to travel the path to learn where it goes. And that
means I must endure the pain of losing those close or those who traveled
only a moment on the same path. But I'm going to live it.
I don't know WHY he did it, but I bottomed-out in sadness. Then I got mad
an slapped this sloppy eulogy together.
What's it got to do with beer? Probably nothing really other than that he
chose our industry for some of the time he was here. I wish he was still
here. I feel badly for his family and wish them comfort and answers to the
questions I'm sure they're asking.